  • 學位論文


A Study of Slip Resistance for Outdoor and Indoor Floor Materials Commonly used in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


滑倒事故是日常生活或工作中經常發生的事件,根據2010年國民健康署統計資料推算,台灣地區每年約有三百三十六萬人因滑倒而受傷,滑倒事件的發生並不限於住宅內部如居室、走道、浴廁、廚房等空間,其它如學校、泳池、餐廳等也為滑倒意外發生頻率較高之地點,若選用不當的地坪材料,亦增滑倒之風險。但目前國內市售磁磚大多是強調抗折及抗壓力,對於材料防滑性能並無特別關注,而導致滑倒的因素除了地板使用未具防滑性能或防滑性能不佳之鋪面材料外,抑或是未穿著適當的鞋子及意外發生時步行姿態等因素。然而影響摩擦係數之高低,主要為地板表面粗糙度、鞋底材料及地坪鋪面汙染(媒介物)狀況等因素。滑倒與個人及場地等多項因素皆有關,因此為降低滑倒之潛在危險性,提升地面材料之防滑性能為較易掌握之關鍵要素。 故為確保行動步行者的安全,本研究依據中華民國國家標準CNS 3299-12﹝陶瓷面磚試驗法-第12部:防滑性試驗﹞所公布之操作流程及方法,來檢測目前國內常用之室內、室外地坪材料之防滑係數。試驗材料包含陶瓷面磚、石材、木地板、水泥類、聚合物類、地毯等六大類,共計二十種樣本進行實驗。檢測材料條件於潮濕(穿鞋與赤腳)、附著油、附著清潔劑狀態下之物理性能,係模擬實際空間場所發生之情形。 本研究測定潮濕狀態「C.S.R」(穿鞋時之防滑係數) 防滑係數值平均介於0.34至0.85之間;「C.S.R•B」(赤腳時之防滑係數) 防滑係數值平均介於0.41至1.46之間,「附著油」之防滑係數值平均介於0.18至0.59之間,「附著清潔劑」之防滑係數值平均介於0.24至0.75之間。根據本研究結果顯示,室外空間最適當之防滑係數安全範圍為0.45至0.6,其容許安全下限為0.4,上限為0.8。室內空間最適當之防滑係數安全範圍為0.5至0.65,其容許安全下限為0.4,上限為0.8。 本研究經考量溫度、濕度及滑片材質等因素穩定性,並且參考日本法規於防滑係數值最低安全標準,擬定當穿鞋行走於一般道路空間、人行道或戶外廣場等,潮濕狀態之防滑係數值應高於0.45以上,然而行走於一般室內空間,如建築物出入口大廳、車站、學校、商場、飯店等,潮濕狀態之防滑係數值應高於0.5以上;當赤腳行走於公共性較強之空間,如游泳池畔、大眾澡堂之地坪上,潮濕狀態之防滑係數值應該於0.75以上,而當行走於室內空間較私人之空間,如居家室內、衛浴空間、客廳、餐廳等,潮濕狀態之防滑係數值應高於0.65以上,作為最低安全之標準。本研究均為實驗室試驗,且多使用全新地坪材料作為樣本,在相對安定的試驗場所下測定出的防滑係數值,無法確表反映出現地實況。故慎求周延,應增加更多實驗條件參數,以確保實驗數據之準確性與合理性。 本研究引用性能法規之理念,並藉由標準之量測方法明確標示地面材料之防滑性能,以有效規範地面材料之使用,以達到提升防滑性能,降低滑倒潛在風險之目的。


Slip is one of the commonest accidents in everyday life. According to a survey conducted by Executive Yuan Health Promotion Administration, in Taiwan the number of people injured in slip accident has surprising skyrocketed to roughly about 3.36 million every year. The potential dangers of slip exist whether in public place or home area. However, the contributing factors are not only the flooring but also the shoes and gait. In general flooring, the very influential factors in coefficient of friction are surface roughness, material of shoes, intermediary resource on the flooring, etc. Most of the time, we slip and fall due to our own negligence and many type of factor in the environment. Thus, to reduce the potential dangers and antiskid property I hold to be of great important. To ensure the safety of pedestrian, this study use the experiment process and method on the basis of CNS 3299-12 (Chinese National Standards) to measure the COF (Coefficient of Friction) of flooring which in common use. The experimental materials include six categories: ceramic tile, stone, wood flooring, cement, polymers, and carpets. A total of 20 different type of samples. This study measure the physical property of each sample in the different experimental environment (wet, oil attachment, detergent attachment, etc.) and stimulate the situation of real space. This study measures the average COF of C.S.R (Coefficient of Slip Resistance) is between 0.34 and 0.85; the average COF of C.S.R•B (Coefficient of Slip Resistance-Bath) is between 0.41 and 1.46; the average COF of “ Oil attachment” is between 0.18 and 0.59; the average COF of “Detergent attachment” is between 0.24 and 0.75. According to the experiment result, the safety margin of C.S.R in “Outdoor” is between 0.45 and 0.6; the minimum is 0.4 and the maximum is 0.8. The safety margin of C.S.R in “Indoor” is between 0.5 and 0.65; the minimum is 0.4 and the maximum is 0.8. To consider the stability of temperature, humidity and the material of slip-sheet, it is my suggestion that setting C.S.R 0.45 as a minimum stander. Although, walking on the interior space, such as a building entrance halls, railway stations, schools, shopping malls, hotels, and other, the C.S.R value should be higher than 0.5; When walking barefoot in public space, such as the swimming pool, the public baths, the C.S.R•B value should be higher than 0.75, though walking in the interior space which is more private space, such as interior, bathroom space, living room, dining, etc., the C.S.R. value should be higher than 0.65 as a minimum safety standard.This study is base on the experiment and most of the flooring samples are brand new. In the relative stability experimental environment, the numerical value of COF cannot suitable the real situation perfectly. Thus, to exact the numerical value of COF it is better to increase experimental parameter. This study quotes from the regulations of property and use the stander to measure the property of flooring. Also this study regulates the using of flooring to promote the antiskid property and reduce the potential danger of slip.


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