  • 學位論文


A Study on Seismic Design for the Fire Water Pipings in Buildings

指導教授 : 施邦築


台灣地區位處於環太平洋地震帶,根據中央氣象局統計,台灣平均每年發生地震次數多達千餘次,有感地震更超過百次之多,屬於世界上有感地震最頻發的地區之ㄧ。大規模地震一旦發生,都會區域的地震災害除會造成地裂、橋斷、建築物倒塌、維生線斷裂、受困待救災民、大量傷病患之緊急醫療救護需求等之虞外,地震過後所伴隨形成的海嘯、山崩與火災等二次災害,其所造成的傷亡人數及財產損失有時更遠比地震直接造成的傷害還要嚴重,因此要如何防範地震後所可能引發的火災之二次危害和減輕震後火災所造成的火損和傷亡等問題,已成為目前地震後災害防救的另一重要課題。 由於消防安全設備向來都是歸屬於非結構物,國內一般在進行結構設計時並未將消防管路納入耐震設計的範疇內,本研究係針對建築物內消防管路的耐震設計為議題,蒐集並整理出美國、日本、大陸及國內等相關建築和消防規範的執行現況,以了解目前國際上在消防管路方面所採取的耐震設計手法,本研究也同時彙整了目前國內重大科技廠房新建工程在消防撒水管路耐震吊架上,所採用的設計案例和實際裝置後照片,祈能藉由此案例喚起國內相關主管單位和消防業界對建築物內消防安全設備耐震力設計的關注,共同研議訂定出明確、實用且可供大家遵循的消防安全設備耐震設計準則,以減低國內在地震後火災所造成的危害。


Taiwan is situated at the circum-Pacific seismic belt, as one of the areas of most frequent sensible earthquakes in the world. According to the statistics from Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan is on average experiences thousands of earthquakes every year and specifically, hundreds of sensible ones. Once a large-scale earthquake occurs in a metropolitan area, it will result in a large amount of cracked ground, broken bridges, collapsed buildings, ruptured life lines and injured victims waiting for emergency medical treatments. Right after a major earthquake, there usually accompanied secondary disasters such as tsunamis, landslides and post earthquake fires. The casualties and property losses sometimes are more serious than the first impact of the natural hazard itself. Hence, it comes to be an important issue for disaster relief after major earthquakes to prevent the secondary mishap such as post earthquake fires and thus to reduce the damage and casualties from the calamities. Since the installation of fire safety is not a part of a building structure and the seismic building design code does not include fire water pipings, the design of them in Taiwan does usually not consider the seismic effect. This study first collected and summarized the relevant seismic design codes and fire control standards from U.S., Japan, China and Taiwan to understand the internationally adopted methods for seismic from designs of fire water pipings. This study also gathered engineering cases and photographs of the installation of the shock resistance hangers of fire water pipings in high technology factory buildings. Then, this study presented a proposal for seismic design principles. we hope this can attract attentions from government authorities and the fire safety business sector and to rise concerns of the seismic design of fire safety installation; and therefore set up a clear and practical criterion for the engineers and finally reduce the damage of post earthquake fires.


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