  • 學位論文


The Study of the Job Burnout of Teachers with Administrative Tasks of Special Education School in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張嘉育


本研究旨在瞭解特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師工作倦怠之現況,探討不同個人背景特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師之工作倦怠差異,分析不同學校環境背景特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師之工作倦怠差異。   本研究採用問卷調查法,以98學年度第二學期國內(不含北、高兩市)共16所公立特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師為研究對象,母群體共計235人進行普查。以百分比、平均數、標準差之描述性統計方法進行資料分析後,本研究獲致以下十項結論: 一、就特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師整體工作倦怠而言,顯示國內(不含北、高兩市)16所公立特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師具有中低程度的工作倦怠。 二、在性別上,其整體工作倦怠與各向度均顯示兼任行政工作男性教師高於兼任行政工作女性教師,而工作倦怠感受皆為中低程度。 三、在年齡上,其整體工作倦怠以29歲以下的特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師工作倦怠最高,其次依序為40-49歲教師與30-39歲教師,50歲以上教師最低。 四、在婚姻狀況上,其整體工作倦怠與各向度均顯示兼任行政工作之未婚教師高於兼任行政工作之已婚教師,而工作倦怠感受皆為中低程度。 五、在特教專業背景上,其整體工作倦怠顯示兼任行政工作之特教學系畢業教師最高,其次為特教學分班結業教師,特研所畢業教師最低。 六、在兼任行政處室上,其特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師所擔任之處室整體工作倦怠由高至低依序為總務處、教務處(教導處)、學務處(訓導處)、實習輔導處、研究發展處、輔導室、校長室。 七、在兼任行政職務上,其整體工作倦怠與各向度均顯示特殊教育學校教師兼任組長最高,其次為教師兼任主任,教師兼任秘書最低。 八、在兼任行政年資上,其整體工作倦怠以特殊教育學校兼任行政工作未滿3年之教師最高,其次依序為6-10年之教師與3-5年之教師,11年以上之教師最低。 九、在學校所在地區上,其整體工作倦怠與各向度均顯示特殊教育學校兼任行政工作之都會區教師高於特殊教育學校兼任行政工作之鄉鎮地區教師。 十、在學校規模上,其整體工作倦怠以特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師於班級數12班以下最高,其次依序為班級數13-24班與班級數25-36班,班級數37班以上最低。   根據以上研究結果進行討論分析,形成結論及建議,供特教學校行政單位、兼任行政工作教師、教育行政機關及後續相關研究之參考。


The purpose of this study sought to evaluate the extent of the perceived burnout, among the special education administrators in 16 public special education schools national wide. A questionnaire was utilized to gather the data. It contains 30 items of frequency scale and four items of open-ended questions. 235 special education administrators responded to the survey. The sample population included administrators who hold one of the following titles; director/supervisor of special education, assistant director/supervisor of special education and secretary. All have a level of responsibility for teaching children with special needs. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Analysis of the data indicated that burnout does exist for special education administrators in Taiwan and this administrative group experienced middle-low level of burnout. 2. The male administrators scored higher than the female administrators. 3. Young administrators with age below 29 years old are at the greatest risk for having burnout, and those who with age over 50 years old are less likely reported. 4. In marital status, unmarried administrator experienced higher score than the married administrator. 5. In areas of certification, administrators who hold bachelor’s degree with major in special education were on the higher account of having burnout, however, those who hold master degree had lower scale. 6. In different administrative departments, the general affairs office reported high score of burnout than any other departments. 7.In current administrative position, assistant director/supervisor has significantly higher scores on burnout than the director/supervisor. 8. length of time in administrative work:Individuals employed in administration for 1 to 3 years experienced the greatest feelings of burnout while those in administration for over 11 years experienced the least. 9. School districts and location:urban special eduation administrative personnel attributed greater stress than suburban or urual. 10.School size in classes:Burnout on administrative personnel appears to be more prevalent in public special education schools of 13-24 classes. The schools of 1-12 classes are much less reported.




