  • 學位論文


The development of innovative foot pressure sensing device and customized shoe pad fabrication technology

指導教授 : 汪家昌


本論文的主要研究方向是「創新客製化鞋墊設計之方法」,以設計出滿足個人腳型需求之客製化鞋墊。相關的研究主題分為三部分,前半段研究主題是建立「創新足底壓力量測方法」,將足壓影像資料解釋為力的分佈情形。而中段研究,是「將力的分佈情形數值化」,進一步由影像量測資料轉換至工程壓力資料(MU/EU),並將參數輸入CAE分析軟體進行模擬,後半段的研究主題是「創新客製化鞋墊加工方法」,利用改變足底壓力之接觸面積,達到改變壓力分佈行為,然後進行鞋墊的後加工,整合以上三部分,以建立一自主的快速客製化鞋墊開發技術。 創新足壓量測的部份,本論文提出藉由特殊之網狀結構,搭配矽膠與貼紙互相沾黏的效果,達到清楚顯示足底壓力分佈行為,並且將足底受壓面積內之sensor數提高至約每平方公分1個sensor,中間藉由數位影像處理後可經壓力分佈曲線及其方程式求得每一sensor所代表的壓力值,達成MU/EU。 客製化鞋墊設計方面,經由足壓分析模擬之結果顯示,於高足壓區及其周圍皆均勻打孔的方式,能夠有效將足底壓力之峰值降低,並以此為創新客製化鞋墊的加工法。


客製化 足底壓力 MU/EU


In order to satisfy individual requirements of different foot shapes, the main direction of this study was to investigate “innovative methods of customized insole”. The related research topics include three parts. First, the researcher established an innovative measurement of plantar pressure that clarified physical strength distribution by means of images of plantar pressure. Next, the researcher digitized the pressure distribution, transformed parameters and entered data into the software of CAE analysis to proceed with simulations. Finally, to decrease the plantar pressure, the researcher applied varied contact area of plantar pressure to transform the pressure distribution and then manufactured insoles to establish a set of manufacturing methods. For the part of innovative measurement of plantar pressure, though collocation of special meshed structure, silica film and a sticker, the distribution of plantar pressure was clearly observed. The sensor of contact area of plantar pressure was raised to 200 or so, around each square centimeter with one sensor. After digital transformation, the pressure value was received by a curve equation of pressure distribution. For the part of the design of customized insole, based on simulating analyses of plantar pressure, the results showed that in the area of high plantar pressure, the value of plantar pressure was effectively decreased by means of bunching holes in the insole that innovated manufacturing method of customized insole.


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