  • 學位論文


Field Study of Remediation Treatment Chain -Case Study of Petroleum Contaminated Sites

指導教授 : 張添晉


本研究針對台南縣三處加油站污染場址,分析現場實地操作因子,及其所運用之工法,透過現地操作及實地監測土壤及地下水採樣數據進行評估。三處加油站所運用之改善工法皆為目前國內使用最普及之整治技術,包括土壤開挖處理法、生物復育法、空氣注入法(AS)、土壤氣體抽除法(SVE)、地下水抽除處理(P&T)、現地化學氧化法。雖為相同工法但因三階段串聯組合不同,改善成效亦有所差異。 油品類汙染場址之最佳化整治列車,可大略區分為三個階段之處理方式。分別針對高、中、低不同濃度污染之土壤及地下水進行處理。若加油站場址地質為透水透氣性不佳之土壤,整治列車串聯式土壤改善處理之第一階段,可運用土壤開挖處理法,將高污染濃度之土壤先行挖除後,再進行離地生物復育處理,並以SVE系統改善殘存於現地之高污染土壤,第二∼三階段,則維持第一階段之SVE系統持續操作。地下水改善處理第一階段,則先運用P&T系統將高污染濃度地下水先行抽除,水中若有浮油,宜增設浮油回收系統。AS系統應搭配SVE抽除並採間歇性抽汲方式,可避免將污染物向外推出,再輔以化學氧化法加強分解污染物。化學氧化Persulfate法,較化學氧化Fenton法反應影響圈半徑更大,且所需藥劑量較低。第二階段同第一階段系統持續操作,第三階段則視地下水污染濃度加以適時修正。


This study focused at three polluted gasoline stations in Tainan. The implemented in-situ treatment and the soil and groundwater sampling data were evaluated in this study. The most popular combined remediation technologies used at gasoline stations in Taiwan are: soil excavation, land farming, air sparging (AS), soil vapor extraction (SVE), pump and treat (P&T), chemical oxidation. Although those three gasoline stations used the same technologies, different consequences of technology implementation were utilized with excavation, land farming, air sparging, and soil vapor extraction. In order to effectively remediate both the contamination of soil and groundwater, a three stage contamination approach was used. The levels of contamination were divided into: high pollution level, median pollution level, and low pollution level. Soil characteristics or properties dominate the migration rate of pollutants. As such, the first phase of remediation uses excavation technology to remove highly contaminated soil, followed by land farming and soil vapor extraction. For the remediation of groundwater, pumped treat method was used for highly contemned groundwater in the first remediation stage. If there is free oil product on the groundwater, oil recovery method is recommended to be used. For the second stage of groundwater remediation, air sparging was applied, while soil vapor extraction was also used to collect the volatile pollutants to prevent it spreading offsite. Furthermore, chemical oxidation method, such as Fenton method, was also used to enhance dissolution of the pollutants. Persulfate can also be used as a chemical oxidation, which may prevail over Fenton. This is due to the radius of reaction range is wider and the use of dosage is lower. The second phase remediation is to enhance the remedial effectiveness of the first method. The application of the third stage remediation depends on the end-point concentration of pollutants in the groundwater at the end of the second stage.


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