  • 學位論文


Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Electronic Connector Contact Spring after Heating Process

指導教授 : 陳政順


在消費電子發達的時代,日常生活裡不論是在電腦、家電、通訊產品等各式電子電器產品中,電子連接器的主要功能是在負責不同的訊號源或單元組成的聯結作用。本研究所探討的問題點著重於受熱後之電子連接器彈片,因為高溫環境對於磷青銅合金彈片結構會造成機械性質劣化現象的影響,使彈片的機械性質在加熱製程前後產生著極大的差異,其機械性質劣化影響甚至會導致整體系統之使用不良。 本實驗係將磷青銅合金(C5210R-H)原材料與其所製成的彈片,運用電腦控制萬能材料試驗機、自動插拔力試驗機及光學投影機等測試儀器取得材料之負荷¬-位移兩組數據,輔以有限元素法分析軟體(ANSYS)來模擬比對實驗數據。依本研究個案,磷青銅彈片經過使用製程受熱後,在相同的使用條件下,所得到負荷大小約為受熱前的一半。並依據該元件之應用需求規格的限制,針對幾何形狀提出改善方案,結果顯示,改善前與改善後彈片的等效應力,分別是504MPa以及445MPa。


The connectors are the key module in the most of consumer electronic products like computers, home appliances, communication products and other kinds of electrical and electronic products. Various types of connector link different signal sources for modules installed in a complete electronic system and transfer system’s signals and commands for operating. The mechanical performance of connector is usually decayed by high temperature in heating process. Therefore, this research focuses on finding the mechanical behaviors for a kind of contact spring mechanism by studying the load-displacement relationship of contact spring before and after heating process. In this study, the contact springs made of phosphor bronze alloy (C5210R-H) were used to test their mechanic properties, through the universal testing machines and contact-force loading tester. The primary results from experiment test and FEM analysis showed that the load capacity of contact spring had been decreased about 50 percent after heating.


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