  • 學位論文


Fabrication of A Novel Intelligent Probe Card

指導教授 : 黃榮堂
共同指導教授 : 嚴孝全(Hsiao-Chuan Yen)


在半導體製程一直不斷的縮小並往高頻元件發展,在晶圓量測中探針卡是種快速檢測並且可以有效確保良率的工具,如何有效與低成本的製作探針卡檢測微小高頻元件一直是許多探針卡公司的挑戰,考慮到高頻時產生的寄生效應與高頻的反射現象我們必需準確的製作探針的形狀以符合各頻率的探測,本研究利用微機電製程來提升探針高頻特性,為了改善結構特性,我們將矽基板改用高頻傳輸特性優異的玻璃( Glass )為基板,並與Through Glass Via與重分佈金屬線路層(Re-distribution Layer)結合將線路製作於玻璃背面,以利連接其他元件做訊號的處理。目前利用微機電製程製作探針有以下困難,探針的接觸力無法穿透氧化層導致高頻訊號的傳輸損失,多次操作後探針探頭與測物磨損導致探頭產生顆粒碎屑。本研究使用模擬軟體Ansoft HFSS與Ansys Workbench設計出在2.5GHz中探針之S11<-40 dB、S21>-0.02 dB並模擬探針結構應力與剪力,模擬完成後開始製造探針模穴,以微電鑄技術沉積鎳錳合金使探針懸臂厚度增加加強支撐懸臂的強度,並於最外層無電解電鍍上一層金,改善高頻傳輸時所產生的肌膚效應,以成功的製作出一體成型之微探針結構。


微機電 高頻 探針卡 玻璃


The development of high-frequency components has been continually pushing area-reduction in the semiconductor manufacturing process. The wafer probe card is a kind of tool for rapid detection and assurance of yield rate. However, how to make an effective low-cost probe card for testing small high-frequency components is a challenge for a lot of probe card companies. Considering the high frequency parasitic effects and reflection phenomena, each probe should be manufactured with precise shape and geometry. Thus, this paper presents a MEMS process for fabricating the probe. In order to improve the RF structure features, glass substrates are used instead of silicon ones. Through Glass Via (TGV) technology is combined with Re-distribution Layer (RDL) for providing the layout on the back of the glass substrate, which can facilitate the placement of the other circuit components. The probe fabricated by MEMS technology has some problems such as low probe contact force, a complex production process and large transmission loss when operated at high frequency, and the tip of the probe contact with wafer will generate debris during measuring. In this research, the simulation software Ansoft HFSS and Ansys Workbench are used to simulate and design the probe S-parameter S11<-40dB, S21 > -0.02dB, structure stress and shear force. After the simulation, the probe cavity and electro-forming nickel-manganese alloy are manufactured. The purpose is to increase the thickness of the probe cantilever to enhance its strength and improve the skin effect by coating the gold around the probe. This research is mainly focused to solve the manufacturing problems of the probe card.


MEMS RF Probe Card Glass


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