  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying Internet Marketing Strategy in Cosmeceutical Business– A Case Study of ERH Company

指導教授 : 張文華


國外風行已久的醫學美容保養觀念,台灣也開始在盛行,而伴隨而出的美容保養商品也普遍的受到ㄧ般消費大眾喜愛。根據市場預估,2006年台灣整體美容化妝品市場規模達782億元,其中保養品市場占382億元,標榜抗老、除皺的醫學美容保養品又占約46億元,在整體美容化妝品市場占比約12%。台灣醫學美容保養品市場將以每年15%的速度成長;由此可見,醫學美容保養品的市場,正逐年明顯擴張。 伴隨著現在行銷管道的多元化,保養品的銷售模式也由百貨公司獨大的局勢,到目前中低價位、平行輸入開架式的藥妝店、、等等,加上使用者逐漸年輕化,對於e世代而言,醫學美容保養品網店的興起似乎並不意外。 本研究主要是透過文獻回顧與個案研討法針對醫學美容保養品網路行銷策略進行研究,研究的成果可提供於網路新創醫學美容保養品公司參考。


The medical beauty care has been popular in overseas, it has begun in Taiwan recently, accompanied out of the skin care products are also generally subject to react to the general consumer popularity. According to market estimates, the size of the overall cosmetics market in Taiwan in 2006 amounted to 78.2 billion yuan, which accounted for 38.2 billion yuan care products market advertised anti-aging, wrinkle medical beauty care products accounted for about 46 billion in the overall cosmetics market accounting for about 12%. Taiwan medical beauty care products market grow at an annual rate of 15% growth; Thus, the medical beauty care products market is expansion by yearly. Regarding to E generation and with diversified marketing channels, it is not a big surprise because of medical beauty care products sales model has dominance in different range such like department stores, average standard and the low-cost platform, parallel input open-shelf drug store, etc., In this study, through literature review and case studies are focus on medical beauty care products, the results of research can be for Network Corporate Reference.


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