  • 學位論文


Design of Adaptive Gaussian Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller for induction Motor Direct Torque Control System

指導教授 : 王順源


本研究結合小腦模型控制器及適應性理論並以高斯函數為基底函數,設計出適應性高斯小腦模型控制器(adaptive Gaussian cerebellar model articulation controller, AGCMAC)。此控制器同時搭配可瞬間提供適當控制量之監督式控制器(supervisory controller),除了可改善傳統PI控制器參數固定的缺點之外,針對受控系統暫態響應有加強補償的作用,可提升系統之適應性,同時具有學習快速及結構簡單等優點。 本研究採用直接轉矩控制(direct torque control, DTC)理論實現感應馬達轉速控制,可達到動態響應快、架構及計算過程簡單等優點。為了改善傳統遲滯型轉矩及磁通控制所產生之轉矩漣波及噪音等缺點,本文以空間電壓向量調變技術來改善之。另外,本研究利用轉速估測器來實現無轉速量測器控制,以減少成本及避免破壞馬達結構。 經模擬及實驗結果可知,轉速從36rpm至2000rpm,且於負載8Nm時,可驗證所設計之適應性高斯小腦模型控制器都能擁有優異的控制性能,可實現感應馬達精密控制之目的。


In this thesis, the adaptive Gaussian cerebellar model articulation controller (AGCMAC) is proposed, which was designed based on the adaptive control theory and the Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) with Gaussian basis function. A supervisory controller was integrated with the AGCMAC to provide real-time adequate control reaction. This whole controller not only overcomes the drawbacks of the traditional fixed-parameter PI controller, but also offers better compensation for transient responses. Moreover, the structure of the controller is simple and the closed-loop system has better adaptability and rapid learning ability. In addition, the vector control of the motor drive proposed in this thesis used the direct field orientation control (DFOC) to fulfill the speed control, of which the structure is simple and the computation complexity is low. In order to solve the problems of torque ripple and noise that caused by the conventional DTC, the space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) technique was chosen in this research. Also, this research adopted the speed estimator to implement the speed sensorless control for reducing the cost and the structural damage of the motor. According to the simulation and experimental results, under the operation conditions that the speed varies from 36rpm up to 2000rpm with 8-Nm start-up load, the superior performance of the AGCMAC is demonstrated. Furthermore, the system tracking error could be controlled within a pre-defined range, and hence the precision control can be achieved.


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