  • 學位論文


Business Communication of Home Interior Design Between Designer and Customer

指導教授 : 楊明津


室內設計師與顧客之間的關係很特殊,游移在信任與質疑對等間。運用溝通技巧是室內設計師掌握顧客關係的一大關鍵,欲達到顧客之滿意度必須從「溝通」開始。本研究以瞭解顧客需求與感受為基礎,進而探討執行居家室內設計業務的溝通要領,並以提升室內設計業務接案成效度為目的。 本研究,首先以問卷進行居家室內設計顧客需求調查;其次以資深室內設計師為對象進行深入訪談,彙整居家室內設計業務需要具備的溝通要領;最後由顧客端測試,瞭解顧客選擇室內設計師時的考量因素施做印證問卷,並將結論回應專家彙整的溝通要領,做為設計師執行居家室內設計業務溝通時,應具備的溝通力。 研究結果顯示有三:第一、運用裝修需求表搭配SOP做為溝通工具,有助設計師瞭解顧客的需求,並能快速掌握發問重點、縮短溝通時間。第二、設計師應掌握與顧客分享生活經驗、隨時與顧客確認問題、掌握預算、解說合約權益、避免自我膨脹、以及運用3D與過往作品之簡報做為溝通要領。第三、顧客挑選設計師時,最重視設計師的專業能力與清楚表達事情的能力,也就是說,設計師應該從內在本質建立友善的想法,進而傳達到外觀形象,自然產生好的行銷,最終達到好的品牌。


The relationship between interior designer and the consumer is very unique which usually shifting among trust and queries. It is important for a interior designer to use communication skill well in order to maintain a good consumer relationship. To achieve high consumer satisfaction must start with “communicate.” Current study base on the understanding of consumer needs and feelings, and further discuss about the communication essentials of home interior designs that would enhance the efficacy of interior design cases. The study started with the survey of interior design consumers’ needs by questionnaire; then conducted a interview with senior interior designers to integrate the communication essentials that a interior design sales should equipped with. Lastly, the participants who are also consumers were asked to complete questionnaires, the data was integrated with the communication essentials provided by senior designers, to be the model for a designer to communicate with consumers well. There are the remarkable from current study: first, apply the decoration inquiry form with SOP can help designers to understand consumers’ needs and shorten the time of communication. Second, a designer ought to share the life experiences with consumers, also to confirm any questions, the budget, and explain the right among contract clearly; the use of 3D and some completed cases would be essential. Third, the skill of professional design and expressions is crucial for a consumer when choosing the designer. In other words, a designer should not only designer the outfit of the interior in a house but also build his/her own internal friendly thoughts. In this way, to market him/herself would become naturally, further to build up a good brand.


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