  • 學位論文


Combined effect of Lactobacillus Bifidus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bacillus Subtilis Natto among the institute residents on the bowel function, inflammation and serum lipid level

指導教授 : 楊淑惠博士


益生菌可保護腸道健康,如:防止腹瀉、便秘、糞便酸鹼值與預防疾病如:減少發炎反應與降低膽固醇及提高免疫功能。本研究即探討給予長期照護住民四週每天攝食6公克含雙叉乳桿菌、嗜酸乳酸菌與納豆菌之複合乳酸菌介入後,對腸道功能、急性感染、膽固醇與免疫功能之影響。研究方法採隨機、雙盲、交叉、安慰劑、對照試驗設計。受試者為中部某地區教學醫院護理之家55-94歲住民,共43名,其中男性20名、女性23名參與研究。受試者隨機分成兩組,實驗前經過兩週穩定期後,實驗組每天攝食6公克複合乳酸菌,安慰劑組每天攝食3公克糖飴,經過二週排空期再交換,並持續追蹤2週,實驗期共3個月。研究期間受試者不改變飲食,活動習慣及用藥種類與份量。本研究收集受試者每天活動量、住院天數、住院次數、72小時再住院人數、腸道症狀、使用軟便劑種類,並於第0週、第4週、第10週收集高敏感度C-反應蛋白(high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, hs-CRP)、紅血球沉降速率(erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR)、白血球(White blood cell, WBC)與細項(difference count)、膽固醇(Cholesterol,chol )、三酸甘油酯(Triglyceride,TG)、Ig A、糞便酸鹼值(pH)等數據。結果顯示:實驗組於停止攝食複合乳酸菌後,血清三酸甘油酯顯著上升,p值<0.05;單核球(monocyte %)受試後顯著上升,p 值<0.01。而白血球、ESR、Ig A、hs-CRP,實驗組與安慰劑組比較,皆無統計上差異。但若以one-way ANOVA Duncan’s Multiple Range Test 檢測hs- CRP 實驗前後差異,則實驗組攝取複合乳酸菌後,hs- CRP上升,顯現此複合乳酸菌對受試者hs- CRP有上升作用。對腸道功能影響:實驗組在介入第二週時灌腸次數減少,p值<0.02,有顯著差異;排便頻率於介入第二週顯著增加,p值<0.01;排少量糞便者(75公克)之排便次數顯著降低,p值<0.03;顯示此複合乳酸菌對排少量糞便(75公克)與排便頻率,有改善作用。 關鍵詞:複合乳酸菌、雙叉乳桿菌、嗜酸乳酸菌、長期照護、腸道功能、機構住民


Abstract Lactobacillus is one of the gut microflora in human and it is good for disease prevention and health maintenance by some previous studies. Lactobacillus played a role in the improvement of diarrhea, constipation, stool pH, inflammation process, serum cholesterol level and immune system. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of a designed compound of lactobacillus (Lactobacillus bifidus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bacillus natto with the total amount of 108 colony forming unit) on bowel function, acute infection, serum lipid level and immunity. This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design study. There are 43 participants with age of 55-94 years living in the nursing home of a community hospital in Yun-Lin county. They were randomized into two groups, one is the study group with active compound (6g/day) and the other is placebo composed of glucose polymer(3g/day). The initial period is 4wks, followed by another 4wks cross-over period after 2wks washout. We collected the data of daily activity, length of stay, number of hospital admission, hospital re-admission rate within 72 hours, bowel movement, laxative amount and category during the whole study period without changing their diet, activity and usual medication. Besides, we checked the laboratory values of hs-CRP, ESR, WBC and differential count, cholesterol, triglyceride and Ig A at week 1, 4, and 10. The result revealed lower triglyceride level and more monocyte count in study group compared with placebo(p <0.01). There was no significant difference in the lymphocyte count and the level of ESR, Ig A and hs-CRP by Student t-test. In addition, the frequency of enema was decreased at week2, the stool frequency was significant(p <0.01). However, there was no significant difference in the stool amount and color between two groups. In conclusion, this study showed that the compound of lactobacillus can increase immunity, improve bowel function but no change in the markers of acute inflammation. Keywords: Probiotics, Bacillus natto, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bifidus, long-term care, bowel function, Institute residen


張天鈞主編(2005)內科學p.998-1005 橘井文化事業股份有限公司 台北
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