  • 學位論文


Characterization of fusion cells derived from spontaneous fusion events between mesenchymal stem cells and non-small cell lung cancer cells

指導教授 : 鄧文炳
共同指導教授 : 吳駿翃




Cell fusion is an intricate cellular event that is critical to tissue development and homeostasis, such as formation of muscle fibers (fusion of myoblasts) or immune response formation of macrophage). Recent studies have indicated that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can regenerate damaged tissue via cell fusion. Moreover, cancer cells can attract MSCs due to the constant deposition of cytokines and chemokines that renders itself as a “wound that never heals”. Many cancer cell types fuse promiscuously with themselves or somatic cells to enhance malignancy, such as higher proliferation ability, metastatic capability and drug resistance. Hence, we hypothesized that tumor cells could gain aggressive malignancy through fusion with MSCs. In this study, we directly co-cultured MSCs containing RFP and non-small cell lung cancer cells (NSCLCs) containing GFP and then identified fused cells with double antibiotics selection and distinct fluorescence. Our preliminary results showed higher percentage of side population in fusion cells than that in parental cancer cells. Comparable to parental cancer cells, the fused cells revealed mesenchymal phenotype and increased motility in in vitro migration assay. In summary, we demonstrated that the fusion cell derived from MSCs and NSCLCs displayed greater drug resistance and cell motility than parental cancer cells. The completion of this study would provide an alternative mechanism by which endogenous MSCs were implicated in cancer development.


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