  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 白璐


研究背景: 事故傷害為導致死亡及失能的主要原因之一,然而在非洲薩哈拉沙漠 以南的傷害流行病學報告卻相當稀少。事故傷害也造成重大的公共衛生問題,例如使健康勞工在生理、心理及社會層面上產生負擔。此問題影響了人口的總生產力,也對一個國家的經濟和發展產生負面影響。因此我們迫切的需要一個合適的傷害防治策略。 目的: 分析傷害機轉並找出使甘比亞港口局勞工傷害機會增加的危險因子, 以提供未來制定相關防制措施的依據。 方法 本研究為一回朔性研究,使用甘比亞港口局衛生及安全部2005-2010 之資料進行分析。資料於2011 年七至九月收集。使用SPSS 18 版進行羅吉斯迴歸分析,顯著水準設為p<0.05。 結果: 本研究共收集195 位個案資料。骨折或脫臼及撕裂傷占所有傷害類型 的30.2%。顯著的危險因子包括: 男性(OR, 5.28),大於30 歲及30-49 歲(OR, 13.42 and 4.94),中(


職業傷害 形式 危險因子


Background Injuries are amongst the leading causes of disabilities and deaths globally including sub-Saharan Africa were epidemiological reports on injuries are extremely limited. Injuries are also a major public health problem and results to significant burden on the physical and psycho-social well-being of workers. It also impacts negatively on the national economy and sustainable development for it affects the productive populations. This therefore, posed an urgent need for appropriate and control strategies of injury prevention to be in place. Aim of the Study To analyze injury patterns and identify several personal and occupational factors increasing the risk of injury among workers at the Gambia Port Authority (GPA), in order to provide further evidence for the design and implementation of preventive measures in the occupational settings. Methods This study is a retrospective analysis of injury cases from the Health and Safety Unit of the Gambia Ports Authority from 2005 to 2010. Data was collected from July to September, 2011. SPSS version 18.0 with logistic regression analysis was used for statistical analysis with significance level at p < 0.05. Results A total of 195 cases were reviewed, in this study. Fractures or dislocation and laceration constituted the block of the injury types with 29 (30.2% respectively). The significant risk factors included been male (OR, 5.28), age <30 and 30-49 years (OR, 13.42 and 4.94), middle (


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