  • 學位論文


The Literacy and Help-seeking Behaviors of Mental Health Resources for Suicide Attempts in Hsinchu County

指導教授 : 高美英
共同指導教授 : 李明濱


近半世紀自殺率不斷攀升,根據WHO統計,在西元2000年全球約有一百萬人死於自殺,自殺已經是青壯年人口的主要死因,每年因自我傷害所造成經濟損失估計是在數億美元之上。新竹縣雖然醫療資源較不充足,成為全國自殺防治中心的推廣區域後,致力辦理自殺守門人教育訓練,教育更多人了解「一問、二應、三轉介」,讓民眾對於憂鬱症及自殺防治有更進一步的了解。   本研究就近以新竹縣為例,以問卷調查方式及電話調查總共收案383人,重新審視個案是否能知道如何就近取得心理衛生資源協助,以及是否願意尋求協助,並且在相對醫療資源缺乏的新竹地區,如何加強人人都可以成為「自殺守門人」的互助支持管道,藉以提供未來防治策略或社會政策及活動制定參考。   結果顯示,在有自殺行為的個案中,離婚、失業及低社經地位的民眾,曾經出現自殺行為比率較高;而最近一週情緒狀態上,依據簡式症狀量表(BSRS-5) 曾經出現自殺行為者評分也較一般民眾高出許多,但很少尋求專家醫療協助;在民眾就醫習慣上,有自殺行為的人也比較常自認為較常生病的人;在民眾相關心理衛生資源就醫認知上明顯都偏低,但是未曾有自殺行為者,如果自己願意相關衛生心理資源也會建議朋友面臨類似狀況時尋求醫療協助。在民眾對於自殺相關心理衛生資源的認識指標上,性別、年齡、教育程度、生病頻率及藥局使用頻率等有預測效果;在民眾對於於自殺相關心理衛生資源的使用指標上,受到性別、年齡、及認識程度等因素所決定。   在新竹縣應自殺防治的策略上,自殺守門人計畫推廣應該要更普及,讓更多的人瞭解如何有效達成自殺防治的目標。對於醫療相關專業人員,持續加強心理衛生及自殺防治繼續教育訓練,減少非精神科醫療專業人員對於精神病人之負面觀感,並且習慣將潛在自殺危險的個案轉介專科治療。此外,透過衛生主管單位及專業醫師的合作,建立可提供正確醫療資訊及衛生教育的網路平台,這樣的方式可以減少網路資料品質參差不齊的缺憾,並且利用網路世界的隱匿性,可減少民眾對於心理困擾求助的恐懼感。


The sucide rate for the last fifty year was soaring constantly. In year 2000, around 1 million people died of suicide in the world. It was the main cause of the death between 20 and 50 age group. It was estimated the economic cost in hundreds million dollars due to self harm every year. The medical resources were not sufficient in Hsinchu County, after it becomes local suicide prevention center, gatekeeper’s training was held to educate more people to understand the “Question, Persuad, and Refer (QPR theory)” and the method of suicide prevention. This research taken at Hsinchu county, 383 persons were surveyed by methods of questionnaires and telephone poll to evaluate the literacy and the use of mental health resources nearby. This study would offer local government valuable information for future suicide preventtion and social policy making. The result showed that people are more likely to attempt when they are divorced, jobless, low socioeconomic status, or higher Brief Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS-5) score, but they didn’t find help. Under the logistic regression, gender, age, education, and the frequency of getting sick and pharmacy drug purchase, we could predict the literacy of mental health resources. Gender, age, and the literacy of mental health are factors, which would determines whether people would use mental health resources. For the future suicide prevention policy in Hsinchu County, it is important to promote gatekeeper training programs and psychoeducation about depression and suicide. Furthermore, to create a website platform with professional cooperation, as a facility for general public to seek and uncover the need of mental health related issues.


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