  • 學位論文


A Homeland Study Approach of Environmental Education for Primary School Students with Community Graphic Intervention Model

指導教授 : 陳叡瑜


台灣地區數十年來積極追求工業發展與經濟成長,而環保措施則在最近十年才陸續展開 。由民眾之環境知覺調查資料顯示,國民對於環境保護的知識、態度與行為均有待加強。 傳統的環境教育方式以文字、靜畫及影片等被動輸入式教學為主,較抽象而不具體,而活 動式的環境教育則較具象且真實。本研究嘗試將環境教育由教室延伸至社區,藉由學童實 地參與社區環境繪圖活動,探討國小環境教育鄉土教學之效果及其影響因素。本研究選擇 台北市吉林社區及萬年、萬和社區內之吉林與萬福國小158名五年級學童為研究介入對象 。戶外教學部分採繪製地圖方式進行,由研究人員、學校老師及義工家長帶領學童描繪社 區環境現況,記錄社區內的環境問題,提出改善方法。學習評量採問卷調查方式進行,兩 次問卷間隔三個月以上;同時,運用社區工作理論,有效結合社區資源,進行社區環境改 善工作。藉由這些活動,探討社區環境繪圖之學習成效,引導觀察環境、關心社區並自我 思考解決環境問題之方法,最後結合社區資源,不斷改善社區之生活環境品質。研究結果 發現:性別、越區就讀、居住時間及上學方式為影響學童對社區環境認知之因素,而性別 差異則反映在繪圖成果上。另外,社區義工之參與態度,則影響學童對此介入模式之評價 ;而學童對社區之觀察結果,則提供社區改善環境的契機。


For decades, Taiwan has been seeking aggressively industrial development and economic growth, but the environmental protection measures were started to be taken only during the last decade. According to the results of the invest igation on people''s environmental consciousness, we know that people''s knowled ge, attitude and behavior about environmental protection should be improved. A nd the traditional environmental education consists of teaching by text, still pictures, and films, which are passive, and abstract. In order to improve th ese shortcomings, we try to take the community graphic intervention model and to extend the education from classroom to the community. By allowing the prim ary school students to take part in this homeland teaching, this research inte nds to discuss the interaction and influencing factors Community Graphic Inter vention Model has on the homeland study approach of environmental education. This research takes 158 fifth-grade students from Gi Ling and Wan Fu primar y schools(one is within Gi Ling community and the other is located between Wa n Nian and Wan Her community) as research subjects. Outdoor teaching was part ially in the form of mapping, which was done by the students, under the guidan ce of the researcher, teachers and volunteers of the community. They recorded the environmental problems and made suggestions for improvement. The evaluat ion was conducted in the form of questionnaires, at the interval of at least t hree months. At the same time, we tried to employ the community service theor y and combine the community resources to improve the community environment. Wi th this model and activities, we try to discovery the effects of CGI on the st udents. To lead students to observe the environment, care about the community and think about ways to solve environmental problems, to incorporate the comm unity resources and constantly improve the quality of the living environment The research shows that the gender difference of the students, whether the students are from the original school district, how long he lives there, and t he commuting ways are the factors in influencing the student''s recognition abo ut the environment and attitude toward the community. The sexual difference i s reflected on the mapping results. And the volunteer''s attitude influences t he student''s evaluation of this CGI model. The students'' observation is the b est starting point for the improvement of the community environment.


