  • 學位論文


Humanistic Thought of Modern Medicine based on Hospice Palliative Care Concepts

指導教授 : 王子哲 賴允亮




The highly developments of modern technology has definitely brought into hospitals lots of related equipments. Not only medical equipments have been accepted and used clinically, but also did computer systems have become important communication tools in consideration of administrational management and clinical operation costs. However, overall, the quality and quantity of direct contact has deteriorated no matter to patient and his family, or to people working for the hospital on the interpersonal interaction. This has caused negative effect on the implementation and enforcement of full medical service that meets human requirement. In view of modern service-oriented medical management, it is necessary to think about how to keep our care of people and to provide full medical care. Different to traditional medicine, Hospice Palliative Care focuses on special attention to terminal patient and his family. During the whole process, the patient has his own will. His family can also take part in the whole process to meet the demand of the patient and his family physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. It is kind of full attention to promote the living quality of terminal patient and his family. Since National Health Insurance(NHI)started on March 1, 1995, the medical systems have entered a new era. It has not only changed financial structure of medical care, but also has a redistribution of medical resources. It also has a great influence on the civil medical demand, the operation of medical supply system, and service of medical workers. Facing the changes and impacts of modern medicine, this article would like to build up a bridge between science and humanity through the retrospection of medical history in Taiwan, which will foster humanistic education. Furthermore to analyze the problems encountered form the point of view and model of Hospice Palliative Care, we can provide introspection of medical humanity appeal on the innovation of modern medical system, the education of medical employees, and the build-up of medical teams. Gradually, we will be able to consolidate the system of modern medical service. Along with rapid improvements on medical science, medical technology and medical management at the new century, there will be changes of environment concerning medical care as well in retrospection of historical development. If we would like medical science to contribute to the welfare of mankind, we cannot lose our original love of people. It is inevitable to live with the pain of birth, aging, illness, and death since we are human. Medicine is the best way to help relieve people from the pain of birth, aging, illness, and death. Hopefully, we can carry out what we learned from the construction of Hospice Palliative Care model in the training of medical employees by medical education. In this way, we can encourage our new bloods in the field, facing the changes of environments, to insist on their goals and ideals, and to prevent from self-interest thinking. Maybe, we can therefore have more expectations on the future of medicine.


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