  • 學位論文


Effects of Music Therapy on Relieving Pain and Symptom Distress among Hospice Cancer Patients

指導教授 : 林佳靜


論文名稱:音樂治療於改善癌症末期病患疼痛及 症狀困擾之成效 研究所名稱:私立台北醫學院護理學研究所 研究生姓名:黃淑鶴 畢業時間:八十八學年度第二學期 指導教授:林佳靜副教授 本研究之主要目的是探討音樂治療於改善末期癌症病患疼痛程度、疼痛對日常生活、情緒、日常工作、活動、與人交往、睡眠、生活樂趣的影響程度、及症狀困擾之成效。研究對象為診斷為癌症末期並在安寧病房接受安寧療護之住院病患。研究地點為兩所台北某醫學中心及準醫學中心。 本研究執行20位診斷為癌症末期病患接受安寧療護之住院病患,本研究設計採用類實驗設計,研究之依變項為疼痛嚴重程度、疼痛對日常生活影響程度及症狀困擾,評估工具為簡明疼痛量表、症狀困擾量表;並以自擬之音樂治療處置效果評估表探討個案自認音樂處置之效果。研究措施為期兩天,第一天評估病患臥床30分鐘前後之痛嚴重程度、疼痛對日常生活影響程度及症狀困擾。第二天評估音樂治療30分鐘前後之痛嚴重程度、疼痛對日常生活影響程度及症狀困擾,最後並評估病患自覺音樂治療之效果。資料以描述性統計、difference paired-t test作資料的分析。 研究結果發現病患最喜歡的音樂類型為最喜歡的音樂類型為台語老歌(20%)、輕音樂(20%)、台語流行歌(15%)和國語老歌(15%)。音樂治療比單純臥床休息更可以減輕癌症末期病患的疼痛自覺嚴重度、病患自覺疼痛對日常生活情緒、日常工作、活動、與人交往、睡眠、生活樂趣的影響程度及病患自覺症狀困擾的程度( p<0.05);病患自認為音樂治療的效果,其中以認為音樂治療對幫助放鬆(M=7.50分,SD=2.28)最佳,其次為幫助憂鬱舒緩(M=6.10分,SD=2.15)。 本研究之音樂治療措施簡單容易執行,符合安寧療護目標及臨床需求,是臨床護理人員可以獨立提供病患的輔助性的治療措施。


音樂治療 癌症 疼痛 症狀 困擾


Abstract Title of Thesis: Effects of Music Therapy on Relieving Pain and Symptom Distress among Hospice Patients Institution:Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical College Author: Shu-He Huang Thesis directed by: Chia-Chin Lin, PhD, RN, Associate Professor The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of music therapy on relieving terminal cancer patients’ pain, pain interference, and symptom distress. The samples included twenty hospice inpatients with terminal cancer. The study design is a quasi-experimental study. The dependent variables are degree of pain severity, pain interference and symptom distress. On the first day, data were collected before and after 30 minutes patient lying in the bed. On the second day, data were collected data before and after 30minutes patient lying in the bed and receiving music therapy. The instruments included Brief Pain Inventory, Symptom Distress Scale, and Music Therapy Effect Evaluation Scale. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic and paired t-test. The study results revealed that the patients’ most favorite music types were Taiwanese old song (20%), light music (20%), Taiwanese popular song (15%), and mandarin old song (15%). Patients who received music therapy experienced significantly more reduction in pain, pain interference, and symptom distress than patients who did not received music therapy. Most patients expressed music therapy could help them relax and alleviate depression. The method of music therapy in this study is simple and easy to use in clinical. The finding support the therapeutic use of music as an independent nursing intervention to relieve pain and symptom distress in hospice.


music therapy Hospice pain symptom distress


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