  • 學位論文


Epidemiology in Occupational Injury among Northern Taiwan Urban Aborigines

指導教授 : 林茂榮


本研究之目的在探討造成都會區原住民工作傷害型態的危險因子,而所使用之方法係配合行政院衛生署巡迴醫療站的四個地區並結合行政院原住民委員會所提供之台北縣及基隆市都會原住民名冊,以隨機抽樣方法各抽出200位原住民實施調查,在800位隨機樣本中,探討502位收集到的都會原住民工作傷害之因素。 調查結果發現工作前無工作健檢、無接受職前訓練、無使用防護具、工作環境曝露物理性物質及濕度高等因素,在受到工作傷害中皆有達到統計上顯著意義。多變項邏輯式迴歸分析中,男性比女性受傷勝算比為1.60、離婚或鰥寡者比已婚者受傷勝算比為2.53、工作前無接受職前訓練者比有接受職前訓練者受傷勝算比為3.93、沒有使用防護具比有使用防護具受傷勝算比為8.49、環境曝露接觸物理性物質比接觸化學物質受傷勝算比為4.60及濕度高比適宜的受傷勝算比為2.43,皆有達統計上顯著。 因此如何提供較好的防護具、提供完整的工作訓練、改善工作環境條件等都是減少都會區原住民工作傷害的關鍵因素。


The main purpose of the present thesis is to explore the critical factors causing injuries to urban aborigines at work. The method applied to obtain the 502 questionaires used in this thesis, was though a random selection of 800 samples in the aborigines directory provided by Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, derived from the 200 aborigines in each of the four regions of Taipei Country and Keelung City who approached the Department of Health’s medical assistance consultancies. The results of this research shows that the percentage of the occupational injuries increases when the aborigines are exposed to the environment physical agents and high humidity, or was not provided with an vocational training, pre-work health examination and working without use of protection devices. Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis showed: the odds ratio of male over female is 1.60, divorced/widow over married injured population is 2.53, non-provided with vocational training over taken vocational training is 3.93, unlikely use over proper use of protection devices is 8.49, exposed to environmental physical agents over chemical agents is 4.60 and injury resulting from high humidity environment over normal humidity is 2.43. The results of the above-mentioned are of statistical significance. In conclusion, the most convenient and effective way to prevent and reduce the urban aborigines occupational injuries is by providing them with the proper protection devices at work and a pre-work vocational training, without neglecting the improvement of working environment conditions and related factors as a crucial way to prevent unintentional injury.


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