  • 學位論文


A study on the secular trends for incidence of colorectal cancer by anatomic sites and their correlation with socioeconomic status of township in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱弘毅


於1995年至2001年於臺灣十大癌症死因中,結腸直腸癌一直位於第三名的位置。且於2001年時,結腸直腸癌死亡人數為3457位,佔所有癌症人數的死亡百分比為10.48﹪。在過去30年間,歐美國家均致力於結腸直腸癌部位別的研究。發現部位別會受到年齡、性別、種族及社會經濟因子的不同所影響。而臺灣自1980年代以後,社會總財富不斷擴增,但貧富差距也越趨懸殊。隨著臺灣貧富差距懸殊的情形日益嚴重,是否意味著結腸直腸癌部位別的發生率也會受社會經濟因子所影響。 近年來在歐美及紐澳國家進行許多有關結腸直腸癌部位別發生趨勢或社會經濟地位與結腸直腸癌相關研究。然而在臺灣,則尚未做過以上兩類研究。故引發了本篇研究動機。在本篇文章以兩個部分呈現。在第一部分,先以1980-1999年之癌症登記檔,探討臺灣結腸直腸癌部位別發生趨勢。在第二部分,以因素分析及主成分分析法發展臺灣地區鄉鎮別社會經濟指標分數,探討與結腸直腸癌部位別發生率趨勢之相關。 研究結果發現,無論何種結腸直腸癌部位別的發生率均隨著診斷年份的增加而增加,尤以直腸癌最顯著。而於高社會經濟地位地區其任一結腸直腸癌部位別的發生率均有比低社會經濟地位之地區來的高。


In Taiwan, colorectal cancer (CRC) has been third leading cause of cancer death from 1995 to 2001. Moreover in 2001, 3457 died from CRC, accounting for 10.48% of all cancer deaths (Chen et al., 2002). In past three decades, European and American have studied about CRC anatomic sites. And some studies of them also reported that the incidence of anatomic sites would be affected by age, gender and race. The wealth of Taiwan society has enhanced since 1980, but uneven distribution of wealth was more disparity. Although the phenomena about uneven distribution of wealth are getting worse, it means the incidence of anatomic sites would also be affected by socioeconomic factors. Recently, many studies on incidence trend of colorectal cancer by anatomic sites and their risk associated with socioeconomic status have been observed in European and American. There are not similar studies done in Taiwan. For this reason, we not only want to find the incidence trends of CRC by anatomic sites but also the incidence trends of CRC by anatomic sites with socioeconomic status. Our findings indicate that the incidences of any subsites were increased, especially in rectal cancer. The incidences of any subsites in high socioeconomic status areas were higher than the lower ones.


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