  • 學位論文


Designing Feedback Mechanisms for Quality Assure of Syndromic Surveillance Data Reported from Hospitals

指導教授 : 劉建財


傳染病偵測系統是面臨全球新興傳染病與生物恐怖攻擊活動時,最重要的一道公共衛生防線。由於過去傳統的傳染病偵測系統對公共衛生單位而言,屬於接受醫療院所通報資訊的被動式作法,在傳染病防治的疫情掌握會有時效性較差的遺憾,自動化症候群系統能避免被動接受訊息的遺憾,並增加公共衛生防疫單位對於社區異常的警覺敏感度。 在疾病管制局疾病流行早期即時監測系統資料中發現,資料品質差的地區由於資訊不足,較難提早發現異常訊號,顯示提升系統資料品質的重要性,本研究模擬疾管局通報架構,在北市某醫院建立整合性急診症候群監視系統,建立之回饋機制將分兩部分,分別為資料品質狀況回饋機制及資料分析回饋機制,提供分析介面給使用者可以很簡單和以直覺化的方式操作查詢,並以視覺化的報表呈現他們所要的訊息,讓醫院可以掌握本身資料品質狀況,並提供各醫院或地區的疫情資訊,給醫療院所或基層衛生局所疫情調查人員,鑑別可能的異常狀況,適時的採取調查作業。


Infectious disease monitoring system is the most important line of defense in public health when facing the global rising infectious diseases and biological terroristic attacks. For the public health department, the traditional infectious disease monitoring system received the information announce from hospital passively, and could not control the situations of infectious disease as soon as possible, but the automatic one can improve these disadvantages and the epidemic prevention department can be more sensitive to the unusual situations in community. The information of traditional infectious disease monitoring system in Center of Disease Control showed that the inferior data quality could not find out the unusual messages rapidly, so it revealed the important of data quality. This study establishes syndromic surveillance system in Taipei, and divides into two parts, one is the data quality situation feedback system, the other is the data analyze feedback system, and the system provides a friendly interface and statistic form for users, so the hospital can control the data quality and will supply the unusual messages to hospital or public health worker do the survey timely.


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