  • 學位論文


Establishment of clinical decision support system for prevalence of diseases in Taiwan based on national health insurance research database

指導教授 : 李友專


疾病盛行率是公共衛生中基本的測量。不同年齡,不同地區,不同性別,不同時間,不同族群都有不同之疾病盛行率。本研究是利用全民健保研究資料庫的完整性,從全國門診診斷檔中,分析全國之疾病盛行率情形。 研究目的是利用健保資料庫的完整性,從二年的門診就醫記錄中,建置健保分析處理資料倉儲系統,利用資料處理的流程,以關連式資料庫與資料探勘的方法,從年約三億多人次門診診斷中,針對不同年齡、地區、性別、時間,進行所有門診案件的多維度疾病盛行率分析,提供公共衛生,藥物費用估計及臨床診斷決策支援之用。 研究結果發現,本決策系統使用者可以經由網際網路,以多維度的方式對疾病盛行率做線上即時查詢,做交叉分析。系統正確性評估,使用者評估與大型流行病學之比較均顯示本系統之可信性、可用性極高。 研究結論,隨著資訊科技的發展,健保制度的實施,電子化的申報資料,使得醫學資料大量的累積。透過資訊科技的應用,將大量的資料轉變成資訊,進而變成知識,已非遙不可及。 根據本研究初始目的,本系統目前的確可以對資料作相當程度的事實描述,並根據這些描述來判斷推論,成為輔助決策之支援系統。因此我們可以利用此技術來直接從健保龐大資料庫擷取有用的資訊,可以對於疾病的特性、分布,有更加的了解,進而為人類健康福祉提供更好的保障。


Background: Disease prevalence is the basic measurement in public health and epidemiology. Many factors including sex, age , area, season and population have important impact on disease prevalence. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to establish a decision support system for disease prevalence in a large claim database of ambulatory diagnosis in Taiwan. Methods: All diagnose data administered in 2000, 2001 were transferred to data warehouse. Then we establish On-Line Analysis Process (OLAP) by different cubes grouped by different disease category. After that, we construct user friendly interface to provide data analysis and to support decision making. Results: By using this decision making support system, the users can view their interesting disease prevalence rate and frequencies of patients visiting by age, sex, area, and time. Conclusions: The system is hightly reliable and usable after correctness evaluation, user evaluation and compare to large epidemiology study.


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