  • 學位論文


The Body Image and Dietary Practices of Students at 3 Junior High Schools in the Xitun District of Taichung

指導教授 : 蘭淑貞


前言:國中生適逢青春期,生長發育快速,第二性徵亦逐漸發育,生理或心理都急遽變化。在此時期開始關注自己的身體意象,作為交友的指標與自信的來源。影響身體意象的因素包括個人的價值觀判斷、社會因素涵蓋家庭、媒體、同儕等。國內有關身體意象的研究大多侷限於體重控制,對於身體意象與飲食行為之相關研究甚少。 目的:了解國中生之身體意象與飲食行為的現況,分析個人因素如性別、年級、實際BMI、期望BMI、自認體型、自認健康狀況、目前是否正在減重、未來半年減重的可能性;社會因素如重要他人、傳播媒體對於身體意象及飲食行為之影響,並了解國中生的身體意象與飲食行為之間是否具有相關性。 研究對象與方法:本研究為描述性研究,採自填式問卷收集研究資料。研究工具(即問卷)包含學生個人基本資料(學生之特質)與重要他人、傳播媒體、身體意象與飲食行為各量表。總共收集有效問卷432份,包含福科國中177位、安和國中81位與西苑高中附設國中部174位。統計分析以SPSS19.0版本進行。 結果:432位受試者中,男、女生各為218位、214位。國中生之父母對其體型的評價平均13.3±3.4分。傳播媒體平均26.7±9.9分(總分為75分)。外表評價、外表取向、對體重過重之關注與身體各部位滿意度平均分數分別為10.5±2.0、25.9±6.9、13.0±2.1與43.9±10.3分(總分分別為15、40、20與65分)。六大類食物攝取量以「豆魚肉蛋類」及「堅果種子類」未達建議攝取量,平均各為3.7±2.0與0.9±2.9份。32.2%的國中生沒有攝取奶類。飲食狀況與進食技巧平均36.1±6.0與33.6±5.1分(總分皆為55分)。實際BMI值愈少、自認體型愈瘦、自認健康狀況較佳、未來半年減重意願較低、受到重要他人對其體型負面評價愈少者、受到傳播媒體對於體型影響愈少者,其身體意象愈正向(P=0.001, P=0.000, P=0.000, P=0.000, P=0.017, P=0.001)。女生、年級較低者,其飲食行為較佳(P=0.009, P=0.027)。國中生身體意象與飲食行為之間並無顯著相關性(r=-0.031, P=0.520)。 結論:影響國中生身體意象之因素為實際BMI、自認體型、自認健康狀況、未來半年減重可能性、重要他人及傳播媒體。影響國中生飲食行為之因素為性別與年級。國中生身體意象與飲食行為之間無顯著相關性。


國中生 身體意象 飲食行為


Introduction:Students in junior high school experience their puberty rapid growth including the development of the secondary sex characteristics. In adolescence, they start to care about their body image which is related to the quantity of friends they make and source of confidence as well. However, many factors are associated with body image, including personal values and social influences which consist of parents’s point of view, mass media and peer pressure or influence. Objective: To explore the relationship of body image to dietary practices and the factors influencing body image or dietary practices among the junior high school students. Subjects and Methods: This is cross-sectional descriptive study. A total of 432 subjects were students from three junior high schools in Xitun District of Taichung: 177 from Focus junior high school, 81 from An-Ho junior high school, and 174 from junior high of Shi Yuan senior high school. Data collected for the study by using questionnaire included demographic characteristics, parents’s point of view, mass media, body image, and dietary practices. Results:In this study, more than of subjects had positive body image.When compared with the Dietary Guidelines for Adolescents, the subjects had inadequate dietary intake of protein (3.7 portion) and nuts (0.9 portion). About one third of subjects did not drink milk. Actual BMI more less, perception of body shape more sliner, perception of health status more berrter, family’s negtive point of view more less and media influence more less had more positive body image. Girls and lower grade had better dietary practices. Conclusion:Factors associated with body image of junior high school students included Actual BMI, perception of body shape, perception of health status, possibility of losing weight in the next 6 months, parents’ point of view and mass media. Gender and grade are factors associated dietary practices. Body image was not correlated with dietary practices.


