  • 學位論文


The comparison of sedentary activity after school between the overweight, obese and normal weight school-age children

指導教授 : 張碧真


過重與肥胖的兒童及青少年在世界各地有增加的趨勢,這個健康問題與遺傳、環境、社會以及文化因素相關,近年來由於兒童活動型態改變,身體活動量減少而靜態活動逐漸增加,兒童逐漸參與不同的靜態活動,開始有研究探討靜態活動與體重過重、肥胖之間的關係,不過並未有一致的研究結果,因此必需再有研究探討他們之間的關係。所以,本研究的目的在探討學齡期兒童課後靜態活動型態,以及過重、肥胖與正常體位兒童課後靜態活動時間的差異。 本研究採個案對照研究設計,以立意取樣選取196位國小四年級過重、肥胖兒童與其父母親為研究對象,之後再以班級、性別和年齡配對選取正常體位學童為對照組。研究中學童連續填寫三天身體活動量表,以獲得兒童從事課後活動的型態,並比較過重、肥胖與正常體位兒童課後靜態活動時間的差異。 研究結果如下: 總計有428位學童參與研究,男生有238位、女生190位,平均年齡為9.8歲。(1)學齡期兒童平均每天從事靜態活動總時間約273.1分鐘,平日課後花費在寫作業、上安親班與看電視時間較多;在假日以看電視與寫作業的時間較多。(2)全面型與中央型過重、肥胖兒童平日看電視時間顯著高於正常體位兒童(p <.01),中央型肥胖兒童平日課後閱讀時間少於正常體位兒童(22.2min vs. 14.6min, p <.001)。兒童自填問卷非學業型靜態活動中,看電視時間(p <.05)與接觸總傳媒時間(p <.01)大於2小時與中央型肥胖有顯著相關性。由父母親填寫問卷中看電視(p <.01)與接觸總傳媒時間(p <.001)大於2小時與全面型以及中央型肥胖有顯著相關性。。 本研究結果希望可以作為教育與學校單位之參考,未來可以利用介入性的措施以減少兒童課後靜態活動的時間,增進兒童身體活動程度,以及預防兒童過重與肥胖的問題。


學齡期兒童 過重 肥胖 靜態活動


Overweight, obese children and adolescents are increasing worldwide. This health problem has been considered in relation to genetic, environmental and social-cultural factors. Due to changes of activity patterns in recent years, children’s physical activity decrease and sedentary activity increase. Besides that children engage in different sedentary activities from before. Hence, research need to investigate the relationships between sedentary behavior and overweight (include obese); however research results have been inconsistent findings, for that further research. The aims of this study are understand children’s sedentary activity patterns and compare their sedentary activities after school between the overweight (include obese) and normal weight school-age children. The design of this study is case control Purposive sampling was used to select 196 fourth-grade overweight (include obese) children with their parents, and 196 class, age, and gender- matched control. Three-day physical activity record was used three consecutive days to obtain sedentary activities and in order to compare sedentary activities between the overweight and normal weight school-age children. The results of this study were as below: The sample consists of 238 boys and 190 girls that have a mean age of 9.8 year. (1) Children spent time on sedentary activity 273.2min. Children spent more time on homework, cram school and TV viewing on weekday. However, children spent more time on TV viewing and doing homework on weekend. (2) Total and central overweight(include obese) children spent more time on television viewing significant more than normal weigh children (p <.01) and central obesity children spent more time on reading significant less than normal weight children (14.6min/day vs. 22.2min/day, p <.01) on weekday. Time spent on TV viewing(p <.05) and total media time (p <.01)more than 2 hours are related to central obesity for self-report nonacademic sedentary activity, and which are related to total and central obesity for parent-report. The results of the research can be used for the improvement of education and school units. Suggestions are made to develop interventions to reduce the time in sedentary activities, and increase physical activity levels in order to prevent children’s overweight and obese.


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