  • 學位論文


Studies on angiogenesis of natural product WJO00 and its derivatives in human endothelial progenitor cell

指導教授 : 侯文琪


目前已知除了從周邊血中可以分離出內皮前驅細胞外,在骨髓或臍帶血中也含有內皮前驅細胞,但是這些來源都有幹細胞再生療法的重大缺點,即數量稀少。因此科學家便朝向以體外培養的方式,使得內皮前驅細胞增生,並維持分化的潛能,以便未來進行有效的細胞移植療法。此外,即便給予適當的藥物可以增加內皮前驅細胞的數目,但是當正常的內皮前驅細胞移植入病人體內時,會受到病人血液中危險因子的影響,無法有效地執行修復任務。   本實驗試圖加強內皮前驅細胞的再生能力並防止其趨向死亡。結果證實天然物WJO00及其特定結構衍生物除了在正常環境下會促進內皮前驅細胞增生和血管新生外,在以TNF-α及高濃度葡萄糖模擬發炎反應的環境下依舊可以維持內皮前驅細胞的數量和血管修復的功能,且會減少第二型環氧化酶的表現和活性氧的生成,具有抗發炎和抗氧化的功效。   經由天然物WJO00及其特定結構衍生物保護的內皮前驅細胞,存活率增加且血管再生能力更強,將使得細胞移植療法又再前進一步。




Endothelial dysfunction is correlated to metabolic syndrome components. Endothelial progenitor cells are a heterogeneous population of circulating cells involved in vascular repair and neovascularization. Nature product WJO00 protects against atherosclerosis and decreases risks in myocardial infarction. So we hypothesize that the positive effects of nature product WJO00 against atherosclerosis are explained in part by its interactions with EPCs.   Cells were obtained from healthy volunteers’ umbilical cord blood by mononuclear cell isolation. EPCs’ number and function were evaluated by resazurin assay and in vitro angiogenesis assay. Expression of angiogenesis related proteins were confirmed by western blot. The effects of nature product WJO00 and its derivatives on EPCs’ angiogenetic capability were assessed. These were associated with improved nitric oxide bioavailability.   Nature product WJO00 and its derivatives protect against TNFα-induced and hyperglycemia-induced impairment of neovascularization. The potential mechanisms involved include improved functional activities of EPCs, reduced Cox2 expression and reduced ROS formation.


Endothelial progenitor cell


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