  • 學位論文


The intakes of iron and soy products and iron nutritional status of adult plant-based diet in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊淑惠


台灣地區越來越多人選擇以植物為主的蔬食飲食方式(plant-based diet)。但植物性食物來源的鐵較多為非血基質鐵(nonheme iron),其生物利用率低。因此,一般認為蔬食族群易有鐵缺乏(iron deficiency, ID)風險。近年研究發現,大豆所含的鐵型式為儲鐵蛋白(soy ferritin)不同於一般非血基質鐵,其生物利用率高,可能為蔬食飲食型態的良好鐵質來源。本研究利用1993-1996及2005-2008年國民營養健康與變遷調查的飲食紀錄及生化資料,分析其中蔬食族群(或非葷食族群)飲食中鐵攝取量及生化檢驗之鐵營養狀況,並分析豆製品鐵攝取量與鐵營養狀況之相關性。結果顯示,相較於葷食族群,蔬食族群的鐵質攝取量與葷食族群並無差異(男性:15.4 mg/d vs 14.7 mg/d, p = 0.797;女性:13.3 mg/d vs 12.9 mg/d, p = 0.663);缺鐵性貧血(iron deficiency anemia, IDA)的人數比例與葷食者比較無差異(男性:1.8% vs 0.6%, p = 0.320;女性:2.9% vs 3.7%, p = 0.467)。而蔬食族群中,攝取較多豆製品者其缺鐵性貧血(7.7% vs 0.0%, p = 0.015)比例較攝取較低者佳,故推論以植物性為主的飲食,若攝取較多豆製品,其鐵缺乏或缺鐵性貧血之風險是較低的。


It was noted that more and more people in Taiwan chose plant-based diet. However, dietary iron from plant-based diet appears to be nonheme iron whose bioavailability is usually low. Therefore, populations with plant-based diet are thought to be more vulnerable to iron deficiency (ID). Recent studies revealed that the main form of iron in soy is phytoferritin (soy ferritin) whose relatively high bioavailability which is different from other nonheme iron made it a promising good dietary iron resource. This study analyzed data of 24-hour dietary records and biochemical data from 1993-1996 and 2005-2008 Nutrition And Health Survey In Taiwan (NAHSIT), to observe the iron intake and biochemical data of iron status of plant-based diet group (non animal-based diet population), and furthermore, to study the association of iron status and iron intake from soy products of plant-based diet population. The results showed that daily iron intake of plant-based diet population had no significant difference when compared to animal-based diet population (male: 15.4 mg/d vs 14.7 mg/d, p = 0.797; female: 13.3 mg/d vs 12.9 mg/d, p = 0.663). The percentage of plant-based diet subjects with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) shared no significant difference with animal-based diet ones in both sexes (male: 1.8% vs 0.6%, p = 0.320; female: 2.9% vs 3.7%, p = 0.467). Among the tertile of plant-based diet groups, the more soy iron intake related to lower rate of IDA (7.7% vs 0.0%, p = 0.015), suggesting that plant-based diet with more soy product intake had lower risk of iron deficiency prevalence.


王瑞蓮,劉燦榮,潘文涵,蕭寧馨。台灣老人鐵營養狀況與缺乏盛行率。國民營養健康狀況變遷調查 1999-2000報告。pp 8。
