  • 學位論文


Discovering the Correlation Between Suicide Rate and Macroeconomic Variables by Using Time-Series Model

指導教授 : 許明暉()




According to the WHO speculation report. In year 2020 the suicide is the 9th arrange the global 10 big causes of death .It is placed the 8th in developing countries. Suicide has been an important issue of Public Health among all countries. According to the records, the dangerous factor of suicide is widespread and diverse. Became of whole impact economy, Depression in the recent years. Our country is faced with economic problems. That causes people livelihood or public safety related problems . The variety on economic condition change with stock market have closed relationship so called:「The Stock Market Is The Displayed Window of Economic」. In the recent years Financial Tsunami happened occurred, there is sharp drop on Taiwan economic stock market. Lot of people was depressed due to the investment defeat. You can occasionally hear it cause melancholia and suicide. Therefore, we use research to choose the macroeconomic variables that affect stock index. The variables include unemployment rate、interest rate、exchange rate、leading index、coincident index and monetary aggregates. We use multiple regression、unit roots and ARIMA models to discuss the rate of suicide and overall economic related variable. Discuss the overall economic related variable. Whatever it has direct influence to suicide. The empirical results show that Suicide rate is conspicuously relative to Unemployment rate and monetary aggregates. Unemployment rate is positively relative to suicide rate after two terms; Monetary aggregates is positively relative to suicide rate after three terms. Free expected result can benefit coherent units when the suicide prevention and the guidance reference drafty the advantage policy.


蘇宗偉、邱震寰、郭千哲、陳喬琪、李明濱(2005)。自殺之流行病學研究。北市醫學雜誌 , 2 (1),6-15。
