  • 學位論文


A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi and Tri-Component Exercise Training on Balance, Gait, and Quality of Life in Older Fallers

指導教授 : 林茂榮


目的:針對臺北市60歲以上的跌倒老人進行太極拳與三元素運動訓練介入之隨機控制試驗,評估是否太極拳與三元素運動訓練對平衡、步態及生活品質效果不同。 方法:研究設計為平行隨機控制試驗(parallel-group randomized controlled trial),包含太極拳及三元素運動訓練兩介入組,以區塊隨機(block randomization)分派,每個區塊為8,比例為1:1,每組各有152人。每週進行一次介入,一次一小時,共24週,在基線及24週介入完成後進行測量。以平衡(Tinetti平衡測驗)、步態(Tinetti步態測驗)及生活品質(臺灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷)做為評估結果。使用一般線性混合模式來分析介入後兩組間差異。 結果:平衡、步態及生活品質各範疇的改變在太極拳及三元素運動訓練兩組間並無顯著差異,唯太極拳在未滿75歲老人生活品質之社會關係範疇的表現相較於三元素運動訓練有顯著進步。 結論:兩種運動介入對平衡、步態及生活品質沒有顯著差異。


Purpose: A parallel-group randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine the effects of tai chi, and tri-component exercise training on balance, gait, and quality of life in older fallers aged 60 years and above. Methods: This was a parallel-group randomized controlled trial involving with a sample of 304 adults aged 60 years and older fallers who were recruited from emergency departments. Participants were randomized to participate in a one-session-per-week, one-hour-per-session tai chi or tri-component exercise training for 24 weeks. The outcome measures included balance, gait, and quality of life, and were assessed at baseline, and at the end of 24 weeks (intervention termination). Results: At the end of the 24 weeks intervention, no significant results in balance, gait, and quality of life were observed in the tai chi compared with the tri-component exercise training. Compared with the tri-component exercise training, participants of the tai chi whose age were less than 75 years, showed significant improvements in social relationships domain in quality of life. Conclusion: two kinds of exercise intervention show no significant difference on balance, gait, and quality of life.


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