  • 學位論文


Mobile Health Application to Effectively Monitor and Control Type II Diabetes

指導教授 : 蘇家玉
共同指導教授 : 戴鴻傑(Hong-Jie Dai 戴鴻傑)


我國國人飲食習慣因受西方文化影響而改變,導致衍生出許多文明病,如高血壓、高血脂、脂肪肝或糖尿病等,其中糖尿病佔台灣十大死因排名第五。目前台灣罹患糖尿病人口日益趨增,糖尿病是個不可讓人輕忽的疾病,根據衛生福利部在 103 年年底統計若血糖控制不佳恐怕導致引發其他慢性疾病與併發症,如心血管疾病引起中風、視網膜病變及腎病變等併發症等。因此糖尿病患者需要更多醫療資源照護,如遠距居家照護。 截至 2015 年全球有高達 4.15 億人口罹患糖尿病,國際糖尿病聯盟 (The International Diabetes Federation,IDF) 預估至 2040 年為止將會高達 6.42 億人口罹患糖尿病。目前全球糖尿病病患 (包含台灣在內) 人口不斷日以俱增,其中血糖控制不佳引發併發症之病患也不算少數,若不幸引起併發症將會影響患者的日常生活品質,因此改善血糖以降低併發症的發生機率為糖尿病患者首要預防之第一要件。而遠距居家照護已成為現代台灣老年人與慢性病之社會結構型態不可或缺的醫療照護服務,政府也正在籌畫與各縣市的醫療院所機構單位合作提供遠距居家照護服務。 本研究將開發親合糖尿病患者日常生活之應用程式,以遠距居家照護概念為出發點,設計一款糖尿病自主管理 App,因考量到罹患第二型糖尿病大都為年長者,因此本系統的設計傾向於操作與介面簡單讓年長者也能輕鬆操作,方便記錄每日血糖,提升患者自主記錄血糖的機率,藉此協助病患達到有效的血糖管理,減少因血糖控制不佳導致引發併發症的風險,以提升病患的生活品質。


Previous studies have shown that the prevalence of Type II Diabetes in Taiwan has reached 9.59%, which implies that around 1.73 million people over the age of 20 have diabetics. In addition, it has been estimated that the proportion of people with good glycemic control (HbA1c<7%) consisted of only 34.5% of the population, meaning still 65% of people failed to control diabetes well. Therefore, we developed a smartphone application for both patients and medical specialists to monitor and control diabetic data, including blood examination records, food consumption, and exercise habits. Patients can use the application to effectively control the blood sugar and medical specialist can monitor the disease status. The functions in the application include records of blood glucose, blood pressure, heart rate, height, weight, and diet habit. In addition, medical specialists from health management divisions can also monitor the blood glucose of patients. Our system is able to provide alerts to the medical specialists if the blood glucose of a patient exceeds the standard value and reaches a high target state. Our application incorporated the push technology function to inform health management division. For the implementation of the application, we used MySQL database to store patient data. We developed an application in which the patients can record daily blood glucose, blood pressure, medication, and diet. It also generates line plots for the patients to monitor blood glucose and blood pressure. In addition, if the patients have any question about health, they can raise the question on the online question-and-answering system and the health management division will provide suggestions. In the future, the application will be used in medical institutions such that the physicians can directly examine physiological data of patients through our system and predict prognosis of patients.


tele-home care smartphone chronic disease diabetes


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