  • 學位論文


Hospital Staffs’ Sleep Quality and Relevant Factors- in a Medical University Hospital in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 許怡欣


睡眠是人類生命主要的基礎功能之一,如同空氣、食物與水一樣地不可或缺。充足的睡眠不僅對身心有益,而且能恢復已耗損的體能,將白天的記憶和思考加以重整。當睡眠無法滿足時,往往會影響到日間的活動或工作,也容易造成注意力不集中、倦怠、打瞌睡或嗜睡等的現象發生。醫院職員在健康促進中扮演著重要的角色,然而在醫院從事相關工作者對自身的健康有潛在負面的影響。醫院職員睡眠不足時,不僅對病人安全有影響,而且危及自己身體健康,嚴重甚至引發醫療事故發生。 本研究之主要目的在於瞭解醫院職員睡眠品質現況及個人因素、睡眠衛生習慣、工作因素與睡眠品質及白天嗜睡狀態間的關係,藉此能更進一步瞭解影響醫院職員睡眠品質,以提供醫院職員儘早採取預防行動獲得良好睡眠品質。本研究以北部某醫學大學附設醫院醫療、醫事、護理、行政四大部門之專任職員為研究對象,並以睡眠衛生習慣量表(Sleep Hygiene Practice Scale, SHPS)、工作壓力量表、匹茲堡睡眠品質指標量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI)、中文版白天嗜睡量表(Chinese Epworth Sleepiness Scale, CESS)為研究工具來評估研究對象過去一個月來的睡眠品質。採個案自填問卷的方式進行資料收集,問卷共發出1,015份,回收之有效問卷為876份,回收率為86.31%。資料分析方法包含描述性分析統計、卡方檢定、薛費式事後檢定、皮爾森積差相關、單變項邏輯迴歸分析及多變項邏輯複迴歸分析等。 本研究之主要結果如下: 一、整體睡眠品質好的有30.87%,睡眠品質差的有69.13%。顯示研究對象的睡眠品質差的比例高於睡眠品質好的比例。 二、整體白天嗜睡狀態嚴重的有30.93%,白天嗜睡狀態不嚴重的有69.07%。顯示研究對象整體白天嗜睡狀態不嚴重的比例高於白天嗜睡狀態嚴重的比例。 三、研究對象的睡眠品質與個人因素中的年齡、性別、婚姻狀態、工作班別及工作部門等因素在睡眠品質的得分上都有顯著的關係。 四、研究對象睡眠品質的七個構成指標與睡眠衛生習慣、工作壓力等變相皆呈顯著的關係。 五、研究對象白天嗜睡狀態的八種情境與睡眠衛生習慣、工作壓力等變相皆呈顯著的關係。


Sleep is one of the essentials for the human being – no less than air, food and water. Not only does adequate sleep help to revitalize our bodies, keep our figure in shape, but also enhances learning and memory. Inadequate sleep may often diminish mental performance resulting in symptoms in terms of lacking concentration, tiredness and sleepiness. Apparently, sleep is important for hospital staff that play critical roles in the facilitation of healthcare. Lacking sleep not only deprives the health of the medical staff, but also jeapordize the patients’ safety and may, in some cases, lead to medical malpractice. The main purpose of this research is to discuss sleeping quality of hospital staff in relation to personal factors, hygienic habits, work factors, and the feeling of drowsiness during the day. Furthermore, It will be able to understand the factors which influenced the sleeping quality so that the hospital can take measures to improve the sleeping quality of the staff. The subjects of the study are the staff members from four primary departments(namely, Health Care, Medical, Nursing, and Administration)of a university-operated hospital located in Northern Taiwan. Research tools used in the study included: Sleep Hygiene Practice Scale(SHPS), Work Stress Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI) and Chinese Epworth Sleepiness Scale(CESS) to assess the sleeping quality of the subjects during the most recent month. Data were collected by using self-evaluation; 1,015 copies of surveys were distributed while 876 copies were returned, the response rate by 86.31%. Methodologies used included descriptive statistics, t-test, univariate analysis, Scheffe test, Pearson Correlation, Multi collinearity and regression analysis and etc. Major findings and conclusions made from the research include: 1. The share of subjects with bad sleeping quality(69.13%)is higher than those with good sleeping qualities(30.87%). 2. The ratio of subjects reported no severe drowsiness during the day(69.07%)is higher than those reported severe drowsiness during the day(30.93%). 3. Correlation between subjects’ resulting score for sleeping quality and personal factors including age, gender, mariatal status, working hours and working department is significant. 4. It is significantly correlated between the seven major factors that impact the subjects’ sleeping quality and changes in sleep hygiene habits, work pressure...etc. 5. Correlation between the eight scenarios in which subjects feel drowsiness during the day and changes in sleep hygiene habits, work pressure, and etc. is significant.




