  • 學位論文

中文版大便失禁生活品質量表 於大腸直腸癌術後病患之信度與效度建構

Psychometric testing of the Mandarin Chinese version of the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life Scale in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

指導教授 : 蔡佩珊


目的:本研究的目的為中文化大便失禁生活品質量表並建構中文版大便失禁生活品質量表的信度及效度。 方法:本研究採方便取樣,於台北市某區域醫院招募符合條件之病患。本研究將由肛門直腸外科專科醫師確認研究個案之大腸直腸癌診斷,病患在填妥同意書後,填寫大便失禁生活品質量表中文版(Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life-Chinese, FIQL-Chinese)、SF-36生活品質評估量表台灣版及Wexner大便失禁評估量表等三份量表,一週後病患再次填寫中文版大便失禁生活品質量表。本研究將以Cronbach’s α值檢定量表的整體及四個面向之內在一致性;再測信度則使用paired t-test檢測第一次及第二次施測分數之差異性,並使用Intra-class correlation coefficient(ICC)值計算相關係數數值。效度之檢測則將問卷資料以Kolmogorov-Smirnov 檢定(K-S檢定)確認為常態分佈後,以皮爾森相關性分析方法檢測中文版大便失禁生活品質量表與SF-36生活品質評估量表台灣版及Wexner大便失禁評估量表之相關性作為中文版大便失禁生活品質量表之聚合效度。另外做對照組效度,以獨立樣本t-test分析有無失禁兩組之差異性。 結果:中文版大便失禁生活品質量表內在一致性其整體內在一致性為Cronbach's α為.98,量表之四個面向之次量表Cronbach's α皆大於 .70。再測信度以paired-t test檢驗後結果顯示,除尷尬面向外(p = .00),其他子面向及整體面向之前後兩次測試在統計學上均無顯著差異;以ICC相關係數檢定,第一次與第二次施測之結果為r = .99。聚合效度則與Wexner及SF-36量表作比較,皆呈現效度佳。以Wexner大便失禁量表之分數做分組效度檢驗,結果顯示兩組在統計上有顯著差異(p < .001)。 結論:中文版大便失禁生活品質量表為一個有良好信度及效度之工具可以用於了解大便失禁的症狀所造成的生活品質影響程度。 關鍵字:大便失禁、信度、效度


大便失禁 信度 效度


PURPOSE: To examine the psychiatric properties of the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life Scale -Chinese version (FIQL-Chinese) in patients with colorectal cancer in Taiwan. METHODS: A total of 104 participants with colorectal cancer were enrolled. Cronbach’s α was used to test the internal consistency. To assess test-retest reliability, the participants completed the FIQL-Chinese on a second occasion at an 1-week interval. All patients filled out the Medical Outcome Study 36-item short form (SF-36) and Wexner scale to assess the convergent validity. To evaluate the contrast group validity, the participants were classified into two categories: the normal (score <9) and fecal incontinence (score >9) groups using the Wexner scale. RESULTS: Cronbach’s α was .98 for the entire scale. The intra-class correlation coefficient between the initial and retest the FIQL-Chinese total score was .99. The lifestyle subscale of the FIQL-Chinese significantly correlated to the physical component summary of SF-36 (r = .41, p < .001) and the depression/self-perception, coping/behavior, and embarrassment subscales of the FIQL-Chinese were significantly associated with the mental component summary of SF-36 (r = .42, .40, and .45, respectively, p < .001). A significant correlation was found between the FIQL-Chinese total score and the Wexner scale total score (r = - .78, p < .001). A significant difference in the FIQL-Chinese was observed between the normal and fecal incontinence groups (p < .001). CONCLUSIONS: The FIQL-Chinese demonstrated excellent internal consistency and test-retest reliability as well as convergent and contrast group validity.


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