  • 學位論文


Anti-aging Constituents of Rhodiola rosea

指導教授 : 李慶國
共同指導教授 : 蕭哲志(George Hsiao)


皮膚老化是一個複雜的生化現象包括了兩種因素,分別為內在因素老化與外在因素老化。但是其共同特點皆牽涉到基質金屬蛋白酶 (Matrix Metalloproteinases; MMPs) 的表現量增加。 MMPs是一種鋅離子依賴內胜肽酵素的家族,負責降解皮膚的細胞外基質 (Extracellular matrix; ECM),MMPs在抗老化機制上扮演著重要的角色,當皮膚一旦接受到外來的刺激,例如長期接受UV的照射,會促使 MMPs的表現量增加,進而過度分解 ECM造成皮膚產生皺紋、鬆弛現象與失去彈性等。而若能抑制 MMPs的活性,對於減少皮膚皺紋並且延緩皮膚老化應該有所幫助,因此選 MMPs做為篩選天然物中抗老化之活性成分的平台。 本實驗利用紅景天以乙醇浸泡萃取之後,利用人類纖維母細胞瘤 (Human fibrosarcoma cell),簡稱HT-1080,所分泌的MMP-2和MMP-9之表現量當作活性追蹤的依據,發現紅景天萃取液在濃度100 μg/ml對MMP-2和MMP-9有明顯抑制效果。再經由水、乙酸乙酯以及正丁醇作分配萃取。取此三層作活性追蹤發現乙酸乙酯層在濃度50 μg/ml對MMP-2和MMP-9有明顯抑制效果。於是取乙酸乙酯層之濃縮液利用矽膠管柱層析、全自動色層分析儀等各種層析方法進行分離與純化,並且根據化合物之核磁共振與物理數據等光譜數據,鑑定出二十八個化合物,其中有 3個新化合物,這些化合物分成六大類,其中包括了四個Tannin類化合物、十二個 Phenolic acid類化合物、四個 Glycoside類化合物、四個 Flavonoid類化合物、一個 Steroid類化合物、三個 Allylic alcohol類化合物。 在抗老化活性篩選實驗中,RR4與新化合物 RR5對於 MMP-2的抑制效果最明顯,其中 RR4抑制 MMP-2的 IC50 為 2.65 ± 0.27 μM;抑制 MMP-9的 IC50為 23.96 ± 1.83 μΜ。而新化合物RR5對於抑制 MMP-2具有專一性,其 IC50為 16.27 ± 1.63 μΜ。而 RR3抑制膠原蛋白酶的能力最好,其抑制率在濃度 20 μΜ下為 52.12 %。因此,認為 RR3、RR4與 RR5能運用在化妝品原料,對於皮膚有抗老化效果,可達到利用天然物開發抗老化化妝保養品的目標。


紅景天 抗老化


Cutaneous aging is a complex biological phenomenon consisting of two components, intrinsic aging and extrinsic aging. Both these two components are related to matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). MMPs are a family of zinc-dependent endopeptidases. The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) which degrade macromolecules of the extracellular matrix (ECM) play an important role in the anti-aging process, to increase the happenings of wrinkling, sagging and laxity. It was also reported that inhibiting the activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 could slow down the aging process of the skin. So, we examined the activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 that can degrade collagen and com- ponents of the elastic network as the factor in photoaging process. In this study, the ethanol extract of dried roots of Rhodiola rosea was analysed for the effect of anti-aging by inhibiting MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity. The results demonstrated that the ethanol extract of dried roots of R. rosea could inhibit the activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 with 100 μg/ml. Then, the ethanol extract of dried roots of R. rosea was concentrated to give a residue which was partitioned with water, ethyl acetate, and butanol. The ethyl acetate layer of R. rosea has the best activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 at 50 μg/ml. It was separated by column chromatography and high performance flash chromatography to afford twenty-eight compounds including four tannin compounds, twelve phenolic acid compounds, four glycoside compounds, four flavonoid compounds, one steroid compound, and three allylic alcohol compounds. Among them, *RR5, RR18, RR28 are new compounds. In the results of anti-aging effect, it is indicated that RR4 and *RR5 could supress the activity of MMP-2 and have no cytotoxicity on HT-1080 cells. RR4 could inhibit the activity of MMP-2 with IC50 2.65 ± 0.27 μM and the activity of MMP-9 with IC50 23.96±1.83 μΜ. *RR5 could selectively inhibit the activity of MMP-2 with IC50 16.27±1.63 μM. On the experiment of collagenase inhibition assay, RR3 had the best inhibitory effects compare to that of RR4 and *RR5.The inhibition rate is 52.12 % on the 20 μΜ. Therefore, RR3, RR4 and *RR5 could be employed as anti-aging cosmetic ingredients.




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