  • 學位論文


Support and Impact on Smoke-Free-Restaurants in Taipei—Viewpoints of Pulic and Restaurant Owners/Managers

指導教授 : 陳怡樺


研究目的 二手菸暴露已知對健康有長期且負面的影響,而餐廳則是許多吸菸者及非吸菸者非自願暴露於二手菸的公共場所。為減少餐廳員工及顧客在餐廳中的二手菸暴露,台灣在2003年開始推動「無菸餐廳計畫」。該計畫於2005年結束時,全國的無菸餐廳已超過10,000家,其中以台北市家數最多,超過3,000家。本研究旨在了解台北市民眾無菸餐廳支持度在2003至2006年間的變化,並了解2007年台北市無餐廳業者針對生意變化情形的評估。 材料與方法 本研究擷取2006年所執行一項主要探討台北市民眾禁菸態度/行為、無菸餐廳支持度電訪問卷的統計數據,該研究依照12個行政區人口比率隨機抽樣,樣本數共1032人,此外,並綜合衛生署國民健康局2003至2005年四次電訪結果,進行次級資料分析。本研究另針對台北市無菸餐廳業者登記名冊,隨機抽樣其中350家,於2007年初進行一次無菸餐廳相關問卷電訪,其內容主要探討業者的無菸餐廳支持度及生意變化情形。 研究結果 台北市民眾2006年的餐廳二手菸暴露比率為64.2%,較2005年的39.5%有明顯成長。有66.3%曾經去過無菸餐廳;17.3%在無菸餐廳仍遇二手菸暴露;約85%支持繼續推廣無菸餐廳;吸菸者中也有64.7%支持繼續推廣無菸餐廳。在複迴歸分析中,去過無菸餐廳者(OR=3.28)、在餐廳曾遇二手暴露者(OR=2.23),其相較於參照組更可能支持立法規定室內公共場所全面禁菸。而在台北無菸餐廳業者中,92.3%表示支持推廣無菸餐廳;僅6.9%曾有顧客抱怨餐廳內不能抽菸;僅3.6%自陳餐廳改為無菸後生意變差,而認為生意沒有變差的業者高達95.6%。 研究結論 不論是台北市民眾或無菸餐廳業者,對於無菸餐廳均高度支持,而立法機關在2007年6月雖否決了「菸害防治法修正案」之「室內全面禁菸」相關條文,但本研究顯示之高支持度,將足堪為未來各界持續推動室內全面禁菸的基石。至於未來研究方向,則建議可針對餐廳改為無菸後,追蹤調查其員工健康狀況,或可針對隔菸餐廳與無菸餐廳進行空氣品質比較,以提供台灣推行無菸餐廳更有利的本土數據。


Purpose Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure is well recognized to have long-term adverse effects on health. Restaurants are one of the most frequently visited public places where both smokers and non-smokers are involuntarily exposed to ETS. To protect restaurant workers and patrons from exposure to ETS, Taiwan government initiated a “Smoke-Free Restaurants Program (SFRP)” in 2003. By the end of 2005, the amount of smoke-free restaurants (SFR) in Taipei was more than 3,000. This study aimed to evaluate trends of public support on SFR from 2003 to 2006, and to examine the effect on patronage by the estimation of SFR owners and managers in 2007. Methods and Materials A SFR survey conducting in 2006 for Taipei residents aged 12+ was adopted for investigation and analysis. This study further implemented a survey for Taipei SFR owners and managers aged 19+ in 2007. Respectively, a total of 1,032 residents and 350 owners/managers successfully completed the questionnaire through telephone interview. Results Among 1,032 Taipei residents, 64.2% had been exposed to ETS in restaurants, a sharp rise from 39.5% in 2005. Approximately sixty-six percent have been to SFR. Among them, 17.3% had been exposed to ETS in SFR. Approximately eighty-five percent supported to expand the amount of SFR. Further, 64.7% smokers also sustained to recruit more SFR. In multivariate analyses, people who had been to SFR (OR 3.28) and who had been exposed to ETS in restaurants (OR 2.23) were more likely to support the legislation to ban smoking in restaurants, compared with the referent groups. Among 350 Taipei SFR owners and managers, 6.9% reported the customers had complained about the smoking ban in restaurants. Only 3.6% described a decrease in restaurant sales. Conclusion Strong endorsement from community and the hospitality industry has major implications for policy makers who are considering the nature and extent of further SFR legislation in Taiwan or other countries.


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