  • 學位論文


Effects of kiwifruit supplement on lipid metabolism, mitochondrial and sperm functions of hyperlipidemic hamsters

指導教授 : 謝榮鴻


高脂血症為體內脂質代謝異常之疾病。長期脂質累積進一步氧化傷害後,易演變成動脈粥狀硬化,因而與心血管疾病具相關性;高脂血症可分為原發性高脂血症及續發性高脂血症,原發性高脂血症多與遺傳有關,續發性高脂血症則與飲食不當或是疾病所產生之併發症有關;飲食不當所誘發之高脂血症為攝取過多脂肪或醣類所造成之代謝不良之疾病,主要與現代人高脂飲食有關。脂質的代謝主要經由肝臟粒線體進行β氧化作用產生能量,過高的脂質代謝所產生的氧化壓力會造成粒線體功能損傷,進而破壞脂質代謝的恆定;此外,高脂血症亦會造成男性生殖系統中,精子細胞膜結構改變,影響精子品質;精子能量來源為粒線體,因此精子粒線體功能不佳恐會降低男性生育功能。 奇異果中含豐富之維生素C、膳食纖維、植化素及植物固醇等,為良好的抗氧化及調節生理功能之來源,故本研究利用高脂飲食誘發高脂血症,探討高脂血症分別給予綠色及金色奇異果的介入,是否能改善脂質代謝異常的狀況,以及是否影響粒線體功能及精子功能。本次實驗使用雄性5週齡倉鼠,分為控制組 (C)與高脂飲食組,控制組給予AIN-93M飲食,高脂飲食組給予AIN-93M改良飲食,含飼料總重10 %油脂 (含5 %豬油及5%大豆油),並且額外添加0.5 %膽固醇,採血確認是否建立高脂血症之動物模式,依體重隨機分為高脂飲食組(N)、高脂飲食介入維生素C添加組 (A)、高脂飲食介入低劑量綠色奇異果組 (GL)、高脂飲食介入高劑量綠色奇異果組 (GH)、高脂飲食介入低劑量金色奇異果組 (YL)、高脂飲食介入高劑量金色奇異果組 (YH),介入8週後予以犧牲。 本次實驗結果為,綠色及金色奇異果介入的組別,其血漿中總膽固醇/高密度脂蛋白膽固醇比值顯著低於高脂飲食組;奇異果的介入在粒線體功能方面,NCCR ( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-cytochrome c reductase) 活性N組顯著低於其他各組 ( p <0.05),CCO 活性方面,N, C組顯著低於A,GL,YL,YH組,且在粒線體呼吸控制比值、最大呼吸率方面,奇異果補充之四組皆較高脂飲食組顯著維持粒線體功能的正常 (p<0.05);高脂血症倉鼠給予奇異果的補充亦能維持肝臟內抗氧化能力 (p<0.05);在精子功能參數方面,高脂飲食下之奇異果介入後,精子內ROS含量,顯著低於N組,精子活動力及精子型態在奇異果介入的四組,皆顯著優於N組 (p<0.05);綜合以上結論,奇異果的補充對於高脂血症之倉鼠可有效使改變低密度脂蛋白膽固醇與高密度脂蛋白膽固醇之比例,有效減緩心血管疾病指標,並可增加粒線體氧化代謝過多脂質之酵素活性,維持體內脂質代謝平衡,進一步可利用其抗氧化能力降低精子內ROS產生量,以達到保護高脂飲食下精子損害之可能性。


高脂血症 粒線體 精子 奇異果


Metabolic syndrome is amongst the leading health problems in the world, and has been largely associated with lipid metabolism. Mitochondria plays a vital role in lipid metabolism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of kiwifruit supplement on lipid metabolism, mitochondrial and sperm functions in hyperlipidemic hamsters . After 8 weeks , the serum total cholesterol (TC) / high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) ratio and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) / HDL-c ratio in kiwifruit group significantly decreased (p<0.05), compared with high fat diet control group, and the lipid oxidation related enzymes – carnitine pamitonyl-transferase (CPT) and acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO) activity also increased leading to lower the liver triacylglycerol (TG) accumulation (p<0.05). In mitochondrial function, the mitochondrial enzyme activity-- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-cytochrome c reductase (NCCR) and cytichrome c oxidase (CCO) activity increased significantly (p<0.05) in kiwifruit group. The mitochondrial respiratory control ratio (RCR) also increased (p<0.05) after kiwifruit supplementation hence kiwifuit could lower the proton leak of mitochondria to maintain the maximal respiration rate in hyperlipidemia hamster. The malonadialdehyde (MDA), glutathione disulfide (GSSG) concentration, and antioxidant enzyme activities decreased (p<0.05) significantly in kiwifruit group compared with high fat diet group. Kiwifruit supplement could maintain the number, morphology and motility of sperm. In addition, the concentration of sperm reactive oxygen species (ROS) also decreased. In conclusion, the results showed that kiwifruit supplement could prevent oxidative stress, protect mitochondria function in liver, maintain the lipid metabolism and sperm functions.


hyperlipidemia mitochondria sperm, kiwifruit


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51. 財團法人台灣癌症基金會 [http://www.canceraway.org.tw/]
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