  • 學位論文


The association between sleep quality and traffic accidents among commercial bus drivers

指導教授 : 白璐


研究背景 交通事故造成許多經濟相關的影響與生命的危害,而過去的文獻指出,許多重大的交通事故和駕駛人白天嗜睡(daytime sleepiness )或其他與睡眠疾病有相當程度的關聯。我國內政部警政署的統計資料亦指出,近十年A1交通事故每萬輛車的肇事率以職業大型車為最高。大客車一旦發生交通事故,經常造成相當多的人員傷亡;而大客車駕駛人因輪班或超時工作、壓力、健康狀況與疾病等因素易有睡眠問題。 研究目的 本文研究之目的,是希望探討營業用大客車職業駕駛人的睡眠相關問題與事故經驗的相關性。 研究方法 本研究之研究資料,來自交通部公路總局與台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會合作進行之「大型車職業駕駛人體格檢查制度」所收集之不記名問卷資料,擷取大客車職業駕駛人之有效問卷共計541份。問卷內容包括大客車職業駕駛人的社會人口學變項、駕駛之工作情形、發生交通事故經驗、以及用PSQI量表測得的睡眠品質等。統計分析工具為SPSS 18版,除描述性統計及單變相分析外,並應用二項式邏輯斯回歸分析( binary logistic regression ) 探討睡眠品質與事故經驗的關聯性。 研究結果 自陳有近一年駕車發生交通事故的大客車職業駕駛人占全體18%;睡眠品質不良(PSQI global分數大於5分)的大客車職業駕駛人占全體37.9% 。睡眠品質不良的大客車職業駕駛人,比睡眠品質良好的大客車職業駕駛人在最近一年駕車發生交通事故的比率高2.1倍 (Odds Ratio=2.147,95% CI=1.373-3.355),達統計顯著(p=0.001)。以二項式邏輯斯迴歸(binary logistic regression)分析發現:在控制了其他相關變項後,睡眠品質不良的大客車職業駕駛人,最近一年發生交通事故的比率為睡眠品質良好的職業大客車駕人的 1.7倍,(p=0.031);有心臟或心血管疾病的職業大客車駕人有近一年駕車發生交通事故的比率為沒有心臟或心血管疾病的職業大客車駕人的3.3倍(p=0.002);每日最短駕駛時數每增加1小時,有近一年駕車發生交通事故的比率提高1.2倍(p=0.007)。 結論 根據本文研究的結果顯示,由PSQI量表所評估的睡眠品質好壞與大客車職業駕駛人自陳之近一年駕車發生交通事故經驗,有顯著的相關性。因此應重視大客車職業駕駛人的睡眠品質問題。除衛生宣導外,並建議將PSQI量表列於職業大型車駕駛人定期健康檢查項目。


Background Traffic accidents result in large number of economic impacts and harm to life. The literature indicates that a number of major accidents are related to drivers’ daytime sleepiness or other sleep related disorders. According to the statistical reports of National Police agency, Ministry of Interior, large commercial vehicles caused the highest A1 type accident rate per 10,000 vehicles in past 10 years. Commercial buses should have drawn more attention because once they were involved in traffic accidents, a considerable of human lives would be in danger. The bus drivers also tend to have sleep problems because of work shifts, overtime, health conditions and other factors. Research Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between commercial bus drivers’ sleep problems and their experiences of traffic accidents. Methods The data of this study came from a cooperative research on Modification of Health Examination for Drivers of Large Commercial vehicles done by Directorate General of Highways of Ministry of Transportation and Communications and Taiwanese Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Association. The anonymous questionnaire included professional bus drivers’ socio-demographic variables, drivers’ working conditions, traffic accident experiences , and sleep quality measured with the PSQI scale. Statistical analyses were done with PASW 18th edition. In addition to descriptive statistics and univariate analysis, multi-variable binary logistic regression was also employed to explore the relationship between drivers’ sleep quality and their traffic accident experiences. Results Approximately 18% of total commercial bus drivers declared that they had experience of traffic accidents in the recent year. Poor quality of sleep (PSQI > 5) was found in 37.9% of the drivers. More drivers with poor quality of sleep had experience of traffic accident than those with good sleep quality in the past year (Odds Ratio=2.147, 95% CI=1.373-3.355). After controlling for other relevant variables, drivers with poor sleep quality had a higher risk of traffic accident than those with good sleep quality (OR=1.7, p=0.031). Drivers with heart or cardiovascular disease and those with longer minimum driving hours per day also had higher risk of traffic accident. Conclusion In conclusion, there is a significant correlation between the quality of sleep assessed by the PSQI scale and self-reported traffic accident experience among commercial bus drivers. It should be paid more attention to the quality of sleep of commercial bus drivers. In addition to health advocacy, the PSQI score is suggested to be added in commercial bus drivers’ regular healthy examination.


bus druvers sleep qulaity traffic accident


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