  • 學位論文

企業購併之個案研究 - 以 E 公司為例

A Case Study on Business Merge and Acquisition

指導教授 : 王秉鈞博士


企業購併之個案研究-以E公司為例 指導教授:王秉鈞 研究生:魏志忠 元智大學資訊管理學系碩士班 摘 要 企業為了因應市場環境快速變化的需求,發生很多購併的案例。如去年國內半導體產業發生了許多的購併案例,無論是聯電、聯誠、聯瑞、聯嘉、合泰的五合一,或是台積電將德碁、世大,甚至於世界先進納入旗下,無一不在產業界、新聞界掀起了大漣漪。購併就企業經營角度言,具有提升產業技術及增進效率之功能,對於競爭日趨激烈市場,對強化企業體質應有正面功效。購併已成為二十一世紀企業競爭與合作策略主要環節。 企業併購已成常態性經濟活動,也是主要的成策略工具。然而歷來研究併購績效的文獻方都指出併購失敗機率高達50%至75%之間。雖然購併案的非常的複雜,使得成功的購併案並不多,而且有獨特的晶圓代工產業,能成功的完成購併的作業,實屬不易。因此藉由以個案的方式來探討企業成功的購併個案,作為以後企業購併的參考,以供企業實務上的參考。 本研究以個案研究方法,運用理論演繹與現象歸納,分析資料與訪談以進行研究。研究晶圓代工廠E公司如何成功的購併U集團五吋廠,擴大生產規模提昇企業經營的績效。藉由E公司之卓越併購經驗,探討與關鍵成功因素,高科技產業併購時之參考。 本研究目的在探討晶圓代工產業,能成功的完成購併的作業,。藉由Lewin三階段模式的三個時期:解凍期、變革期、復凍期,探討一個企業購併的作業,並且提出在購併作業各個時期的發生事件進行觀察,進行分析,加以分類並據以建構命題,總計28項。建立一套完整的架構,以提昇企業經營的效率。 關鍵字:購併、改變、組織變革、資訊系統、Lewin三階段模式


A Case Study on Business Merge and Acquisition Student:Chin-Chung Wei Advisor:Bing-Jyun Wang Abstract In 2001, Taiwanese semiconductor industry environment is turbulent. Five related companies, UMC、USC、USI、UICC、UTEK, were merged into one. Even the head of the field, TSMC, purchased three companies: IT-Acer、WSMC, and VIS. All of these are the results of business M&A strategies. The market is changing so fast that it makes the competition even harder than ever. Since the business environment is severe and cruel, as an entrepreneur, who wants to lift the skill, raise the sale, and bring in capable persons, well-management systems by merging other well companies; all in all are the manifestation of the active and aggressive business strategies. Even though “merging” activity is common now. But according to many researches that most merging cases are failures up 50% to 75%--means they can’t reach the goal or get the effect. In Taiwan the semiconductor industry is very special and usually employing complicate policy implementations. under such manipulation merging cases can thus be successful. In this paper, we examined how E company smoothly merged another firm under careful case study method. We use Kurt Lewin (1971)’s “unfreezing”, “changing”, “refreezing” three-step model of the change process as a format to discuss and analyze the whole merging processes of E and U firms. And we wish the 28 propositions and organization merging model will be helpful for both the business and for the academic world. Keyword:Merge, Organizational Change, Information System, Lewin’s Change Model


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