  • 學位論文


Performance Appraisal on Consumer''''s Banking Staff in Taiwan Privates Banks

指導教授 : 李弘暉博士


進入WTO對金融業的最大衝擊應為外商銀行業務範圍及設立分行的兩項限制之解除,會迫使本國銀行面臨跨國性金融集團的強大競爭壓力,加上本地銀行原有的業務衝擊,尤其是消費金融方面,如何有效藉助於知識經濟的認知,人力資源的規劃與資訊價值的運用,以突破眼前的困境是為本研究之動機。 本研究系利用實證研究方法,透過個案銀行執行情況分析,加上配合文獻理論架構,以達探討銀行消費金融員工績效評估之意義與目的,並據以研究績效評估之方法,再配合實證研究提出建議,希望藉由績效評估來達成銀行組織與員工間能建立共識、激發熱情、達成目標、有效評估,以為決策依據,全文主要結果為: 一、在如何建立共識、激發熱情、目標執行、績效評審、考核面談與回饋機制的處理系統之建構上與績效評估的成效具因果關係,而且確實影響員工日後績效表現。 二、國內消費金融業務競爭性與同質性頗高,因此,(1) 產品的創新能力與包裝整合能力日顯重要。(2) 產品及市場開發的廣度及深度影響銀行經營規模大。(3) 銀行規模越大越有利,同時越早進入市場越能累積經營規模。 三、電子商務、電話行銷及藉助資訊科技研發之新生產品是消費金融業務發展的另一指標;在未來發展上,機器將取代部分人力,業務面比重將日漸優於作業面。 四、績效評估之目的是基於正面的激勵與培育及反面的修正與檢討,因此在規劃設計上必須考量人性與文化背景,同時輔以雙向良性的溝通及正面思考的空間,包括能激發組織成員紀律化、責任感、積極性、協調性,並落實執行,認真考核,才能作為人事決策的依據。 五、銀行組織在進行考核時,如能注意以下四個前提,則考核較具意義:(1) 應有完善的營運計劃與作業標準。(2) 營運目標或標準應合理化。(3) 行員應認同營運目標或標準。(4) 主管應認真執行考核。 六、銀行要如何因應環境的變化,進一步推展全球化或全方位的商機,以及金控公司成立後,如何跨業協助銷售、它的績效如何評估,是銀行在推動消費金融業務所必須思考的問題,也是後續研究者研究的重點。


消費金融 績效評估


This dissertation describes the appraisal of job performance on consumer’s banking staff in Taiwan private banks. After joining WTO, the biggest impact on banking industry in Taiwan is the two released restraints of the business scope and branch establishment of foreign banks. It will force the local banks face the intense competition from international financial groups. Apart from original business, consuming finance becomes an important issue as well. The purposes of this study are to establish an performance appraisal model on local banks in Taiwan by knowledge-based economy, human resource management and information value manipulation. The case study and data analysis reported here was motivated by: a) operative situation analysis of local banks. b) literature review structure. c) performance appraisal on consumer’s banking staff. And thus, we will be able to construct an efficient evaluation for decision-making. The results indicate that: 1. Consensus setup, aroused fervidity, executive goal, incentive rewards given, evaluated interview and feedback mechanism do influence the job performance. 2. Since the competition and similarities degree of local financial business are concentrated, the ability of product creation and strategy integration, marketing, banking score become more and more important. 3. Electronic transaction, telephone sales and informative products will become a guideline for consumer’s banking business development. 4. The main purposes of performance appraisal are encouraged positively, adjusted and reviewed. In order to stimulate staff being disciplined, responsible, optimistic, in accordance with, the planning and design of evaluation should involve humanity, culture background, interactive communication and positive thinking. Then, execute the evaluation precisely and literally to obtain the effective human resource management. 5. Before giving performance appraisal, four preconditions should be considered: a) Provide thoughtful management planning and operation standards. b) Management goals or standards should be reasonable. c) All staff corresponds to the management goals or standards. d) Administrators should be able to evaluate precisely and unprejudiced. 6. To confront the collision of financial liberalization and internationalization, how to assist sale and how to construct its performance evaluation become the popular issue in developing consuming financial business.


12.Kevin J. Murphy, Merck & Co., Inc. (A), Case of Harvard Business School Publishing, 1991.
15.Michael Armstrong & Angela Baron, Performance ManagementⅡ, British Institute of Personnel and Development, 1998.


陳雅雯(2005)。消費者對於消費金融產品資訊需求之研究 -以內容分析法為之〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.10320
