  • 學位論文


Design of a Q&A System using Key Page Search and Knowledge Taxonomy Techniques

指導教授 : 李錫捷


『知識分類;Knowledge Taxonomy』是一個應用性廣而挑戰性高的研究課題;尤其是近年來網際網路已成為資訊傳遞的重要管道。大量的使用者及企業利用網路來進行資訊收集、訊息溝通、電子交易、線上服務及教育學習等工作,大量的資訊流通於在網站之間,有效的管理並協助使用者取得正確即時的資訊成為棘手的問題。Q&A文件探勘是文件探勘(Text Mining或 Text Data Mining)領域與知識管理(knowledge management) 研究領域的一個重要的新課題,特別是在電子商務時代,許多傳統的企業的文件紛紛轉變為電子化文件來加以儲存管理和作為訊息交換處理等其他用途,以及全世界各地每日以驚人的速度成長的企業網站網頁,從如此巨量的電子文件中發掘出使用者真正關心的資訊成為一個極具挑戰性的研究領域,而設計一個結合知識分類方法的Q&A系統遂成為以資訊探勘技術來協助知識發掘及知識管理的最佳利器。   組織與分析散亂無章的大量Q&A文件是協助企業有效管理知識資產及輔助使用者順利取得資訊的首要工作,結合知識分類分類方法與關鍵頁檢索技術提供了解決此一問題的契機。知識分類方法是知識探勘與知識管理不可或缺的關鍵,以SimNet為核心的關鍵頁文件檢索主要的目的在協助人們從大量半結構性(semi-structured)或非結構性(unstructured)的文件中去發掘出相似度高的相關文件。對企業而言,有效的組織內部的知識文件是提供其本身在客戶服務、線上教育及組織記憶管理工作上最重要的一環。本研究嘗試結合知識分類與關鍵頁檢索技術,並將運用已規納整理出的專業知識來建構及修正屬於不同領域的domain specific ontology,實際設計出一個knowledge-based Q&A系統,協助使用者從現有的Q&A文件庫中取得潛在的關鍵資訊,以期能更有效、更有結構地協助組織發展知識管理及相關的工作。


This research is mainly on investigating a platform for Q&A system using an ontology-based Knowledge Taxonomy Technique. Knowledge Taxonomy is the new important topic in the research field of Text Mining and Knowledge Management. Specifically in the age of the electronic commerce, many documents of the traditional enterprises switch to electronic documents for saving management to exchange message process by any other propose. With the enterprise website of astonishing rapid growth through the world day by day, they discovery information that users are really concerned about and become a challenge of the research field in such huge electronic papers. Therefore, Designing a Q&A system that combine knowledge classification and become the best method by information mining technique to assist knowledge discovery and knowledge management. The main propose of the research is to use key-page search technique by SimNet for the collecting method of the related documents. They tie in a major Ontology mould warehouse to reach a knowledge-based Q&A system design and research. With searching Newsgroups documents for the resource of the document information, they make every document content with belonging knowledge field to classify. In addition to using SimNet to prove, they can assist users in large number papers finding the high related papers and with domain-specific ontology establishing Knowledge Taxonomy method to reach the automatic classification of the Q&A documents and effectively upgrade the related answer and its correctness.


Q&A Ontology Key Page Search Text Mining Knowledge Taxo


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