  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李弘暉


警察機關實施全面品質管理之研究 研究生:謝 秀 能 指導教授:李 弘 暉 博 士 元智大學管理研究所 提 要 政府再造是二十一世紀各國政府所面臨最大的改造與變革課題,朝向建立企業型政府,以顧客服務為導向,期能彰顯專業職能、責任倫理、及時反應、構築願景、資源整合、顧客為主、追求卓越等服務特質。行政機關尤應思考如何採有效的管理,來提昇政府的效能和服務品質,避免相關公共機關盲目的變革,造成資源浪費。因此警察機關全面品質管理之研究實刻不容緩。 為建構二十一世紀現代化警政建設的發展藍圖,警政署已完成 「警政再造方案」的規劃工作,其中「建立優質警政,營造安寧社會 」為警政再造的願景,「全力提高警察執法效能」與「全面提升警察服務品質」兩大政策目標為規劃主軸,兼顧「治安」與「服務」,俾有效提升警政效能與為民服務品質。於此背景,本研究思圖以全面品質管理理論為基礎,深入檢討我國警察機關服務品質的得失所在,並擬提出革新之建議。 本研究第一章探討之動機乃在於社會大眾對於警政服務之期望與他們所實際感受到或接受到的服務品質二者間,存有落差,導致民眾對警察不滿,因而減損警察的社會形象;亦即,民眾對警察形象之體認,主要取決於警察服務品質之良窳。第二章在探討全面品質管理的理論基礎,並從企業組織,政府部門再到警察部門,對實施全面品質管理的意涵與目的做一番探討,並透過顧客導向的理念,重新建構新的管理思維。第三章承續第二章有關全面品質管理的理論基礎,進而探討實施全面品質管理的主要策略有三:一是顧客導向策略,強調顧客是品質的真正決定者。二是團隊建立策略,強調團隊的綜效功能。三為流程管理策略,透過流程的有效管理減少資源的浪費及錯誤的發生、滿足或超越顧客的期望,以臻品質改善之終極目標。第四章乃以全面品質管理的理論架構及其重要策略為探討觀點,檢視我國警察機關實施全面品質管理之個案實務運作。並比較其在顧客導向、團隊建立及流程管理策略三個面向之優、缺、異、同點,作綜合性的探討。並以理論檢視實務運作之缺失,及以實務個案來印證理論的可行性。 本研究第五章為結論與建議。整合第一至第四章的理論觀點與研究、深入訪談之發現,依據實證分析結果提出警察機關推動全面品質管理系統之可行模式及研究建議。


A Study of the Police Agencies’ Implementation of Total Quality Management Student:Hsiu-Neng Hsieh Advisors:Dr. Hung-Hui Li Institute of Management Yuan-Ze University ABSTRACT Government restructuring is the biggest subject for reinvention and reforms that the governments of all countries are facing in the twenty-first century. The government can manifest the characteristics of service such as specialty, ethics, responsiveness, vision, integration, customers and excellence by establishing an entrepreneurial government and taking customer-oriented approach. The adoption of an effective management must be taken into consideration by the government so as to promote its efficiency and service quality and avoid any wasted resources caused by relevant agencies’ blind reforms. Therefore, a study of police agencies’ total quality management (TQM) is inevitable. In order to construct a development blueprint for twenty-first century’s modern policing, the National Police Administration has worked out a plan of “Policing Restructuring Program”. The establishment of high-quality policing and the creation of peaceful society have become the vision of policing restructuring whereas an all-out enhancement of law enforcement efficiency and an overall promotion of police service quality have become the mainstream of policy decision. By taking care of the needs of both public security and public service, the efficiency and service quality of the police can be effectively promoted. This study is intended to base upon the theory of total quality management to delve deeply into the advantages and disadvantages of our police agencies’ service quality and propose some reforms. The motive for the study in Chapter I is because there is some difference between the public’s anticipation of police service and the actual service quality they felt or received, therefore the public’s dissatisfaction has reduced police image. In other words, the public’s perception of police image depends upon the quality of service. Chapter II is a study of the theory basis for TQM. A thorough study has been made on the meaning and purpose of the implementation of TQM from the level of enterprise, government to the police departments. A new way of thinking has also been reconstructed through customer-oriented concept. Chapter III succeeded to the theory in Chapter II further explores three strategies on the implementation of TQM that are stated as follows: The first is customer-oriented strategy which emphasized that the true decision-maker of quality is customers. The second is teamwork establishment strategy that emphasized the effectiveness of teamwork. The third is flow management strategy. By means of effective flows management to reduce the waste of resources and mistakes and satisfy or overpass the anticipation of the customers so as to meet the final goal of quality improvement. Chapter IV explores the framework of TQM theory and its important strategies. Reviewing the examples of the police agencies’ implementation of TQM and comparing the merits and demerits, similarities and differences on the above three strategies. Utilizing theory to examine the demerits of the examples and utilizing the examples to prove the feasibility of the theory. Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion that combined the viewpoint and study from Chapter I to Chapter IV and the outcome of interviews to propose a feasible mode and suggestions to launch TQM in the police agencies.




21.Shiba, Shoji, Alan Graham and David Walden,
2001, “A Critique of TQM: Problems of Implementation in the Public Sector”, in Ronald J. Stupak and Peter M. Leitner, eds. Handbook of Public Quality Management.
25.周文祥、慕心譯(Peter F. Drucker原著)


