  • 學位論文


A study on Fire Department professional training and promotion performance evaluation system of Fire Department of Taipei City Government

指導教授 : 李弘暉


摘 要 近年來台北市消防局消防專業訓練專業的龍頭地位已備受內政部消防署與其他縣市消防局挑戰與威脅、消防專業技術已漸不具備優勢、先進災害搶救裝備、訓練經費與訓練設施的不足、受訓及格後的反淘汰效果,使得目前台北市消防局的訓練體制往惡性循環的路上走,使得消防專業訓練相關體制與問題,已是吾人所不得不重視的重要課題。 本研究旨在因應上述情況,探討分析台北市政府消防局消防專業訓練體制現況與其面臨的問題,藉由訓練理論、激勵理論、考績理論與陞遷理論等相關文獻探討,參考美國、英國與日本等先進國家消防專業訓練體系概況,提出解決現有訓練困境的可能方案,使台北市消防人員在消防專業能力得以持續提昇,並作為實務運作時之參考,本案提出之建議如下: 一、 以階層別與職能別,建構訓練架構。 二、 分集中駐班訓練與分隊實務訓練,二階段強化新進人員訓練。 三、 藉由影響年終考績績效評比,推動所有消防人員皆需具備最基本之消防技能訓練。 四、 以陞遷優勢,於陞任標準表上加分,趨動消防人員朝消防專業技能發展。 五、 強制實施職務訓練,於陞任下一序列職務之前或之後,實施陞遷職務訓練,使陞遷人員專業能力符合職務之需求。 六、 重視特殊消防專業職務經驗歷練,並於陞任標準表上加分,強化消防人員擔服特殊消防專業職務的動力。 七、 台北市消防人員陞任評分標準表內容之建議方案。 關鍵詞:消防專業訓練、陞遷、考績、陞任標準表


Abstract In the recent years, the position of Taipei Fire Department as the leader of professional training has been threaten by NFA (National Fire Agency) and fire departments of other cities: Emergency rescue techniques have no longer earned the competitive advantages. The advanced rescue equipments, training budgets, training facilities have been insufficient, and the personal disadvantage after training. All above reasons result in the negative circle of the training system of Taipei Fire Department. The current status should evoke our attention to look into the related training system and problems. This study aims to analyze the current training system and her encountered problem of Taipei City Fire Department. Given by the related study of training theories, encouraging theories, promotion theories, and performance evaluation theories, as well as referring to the training systems of the U.S.A., U.K., and Japan, This study will propose possible solutions to solve the current training difficulties. Furthermore, this study can hopefully upgrade the Emergency rescue professional capabilities and to be the reference of the actual operation. The proposed solutions are listed as below: 1、 Build up the training structure based on the rank and position. 2、 Provide two steps training, condensed training and fire station living training, to enhance the training of new trainees 3、 Promote the basic emergency rescue training to all fire fighters through the year-end performance evaluation. 4、 Encourage the fire fighter to develop his/her emergency rescue professional capabilities by means of promotion advantage (get extra points on the promotion standard form). 5、 After or before the promotion, execute the job training under his / her obligation so that the professional capability of the promoted person can meet the requirement of job level. 6、 Emphasize the experience of special professional emergency rescue with extra points on promotion standard form in order to enhance the motivation of Taipei City Fire Department staff for special professional emergency rescue job. 7、 The proposed content of Performance Evaluation Form for Taipei City Fire Department Staff. Keywords: Fire Department professional training, promotion, performance evaluation, promotion standard form


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