  • 學位論文


Compensation studies after corporate companies acquisition — Ref. Company-A in Taiwan as example

指導教授 : 李弘暉


摘 要 為了面臨龐大的市場競爭壓力,為了擴大企業事業版圖,為了能更快速取得新的產品技術,為了改善企業的體質,企業購併提供一個快速的解決方案。 企業的購併只是企業在追求成長的一種手段,而非企業經營的目標,因此經理人在運用購併的策略時,必須擬定企業經營策略,建立決策面與執行面的專案團隊。不過真的挑戰,可能是在購併後,才會開始,兩家或多家公司的員工,由於企業文化、人才的素質、管理制度,工作模式等等,可能會出現差異性的融合問題。 根據有關研究,有四分之三的購併案未能達成事前預估的目標,在美國被媒體譽為”購併大師” 高緹 (Timply Galpin) 認為失敗的原因,多數為購併者,只注重財務面的整合效益評估,忽略員工、公司文化的不同及留住人才的重要性,最後導致生產力下滑,進而影響企業的表現。 研究在探討購併動機,可能的組織薪資制度影響,與購併後的薪資管理關係,以問卷及深度訪談的方式,研究A公司之個案。 由於”薪資”議題,在每一個公司皆列為極機密的文件,甚至明文規定要員工保密,如有違反一律開除,然而在合併的過程,由於不同公司的人員合作、交談、比較,這種新、舊或已併、被併人員的融合,是無法以制度來要求的,再者 ”金錢” 的滿意度是無法以尺度來衡量,祇要是員工的認知比較是不公平,即認知就是制度有問題。 A公司在購併後,對於主併及被併的角色定義,為了免除員工的疑慮與不安,將兩者的主控權,置於”名義上”的被併公司(研究中以主併角色定義),但於制度上的內容,確由原主併公司(研究中以被併角色定義)的制度內容為基礎,再慢慢發展人事制度與薪資公司。對兩家公司來說,在購併後,沒有絕對的時間必要性,對外的發言絕對是無任何的裁併或減薪計畫,最重要的是為了員工的穩定性。在融合過程中,如何取得共識制定出標準,除了績效評估外,自然法則也是其企業文化的特色之一,不斷的調薪即可以取得公平,職務與工作內容的變動可以達到共識,員工入股分紅可以幫助員工達到滿意度。 購併的動作要快,免去員工的疑慮,外界的雜音。可是一旦確定後,對於內部的組織、制度的制定可能會放慢腳步,如此讓雙方的員工、管理、文化、等等,能慢慢的調適,雖然A公司的購併僅有幾個月,不過目前人員的異動並無任何特殊的狀況,人力資源的主管表示他們不敢怠忽,因為這必須再等到調薪之後方能給予目前的運作方式打分數,就研究至目前為止,其他企業對其低調的運作,整合能力認為是極為成功的。


購併 薪資制度


ABSTRACT Due to facing the uprising-pressure from market competition, due to expanding the business-expansion plan, due to the needs of acquiring new technology information, due to the need of re-innovating the corporate structures, “emerging companies” becomes a quick solving solution. The concepts of acquiring two large corporate is just a quickest way of seeking the business expansion, but not comprehending the truth corporate management strategy. Therefore prior the executive management teams decide to emerge or consolidate both companies together; they must extrude all kind of theories and brainstorming prior emerging and executing the consolidation planning. Establishing business direction concepts and executives’ management teams. However, the real challenges come from after two companies emerged. The challenges will come from excessive overheads, different cultures, excessive talents, different working habits and environments, which will cause the consolidation problems. There are, approximately 3/ 4th of emerges/consolidation process had failed and did not meet the expectation. Timply Galpin, the well-known entrepreneur consolidator, explained the reason why many companies failed is because they only focus on the financial consolidation but lack of concern of relented the employee’s management, company cultures and keeping the key members, therefore cause the productivity to drop and reflecting the company image and performance. The study the subject : “salary system after emerging “Two” companies have been included the management of merger influence the performance of organization, the individual personal performance, the performance appraisal and salary system. And have one study on Company — A. The compensation, it has become a critical and confidential subject in just about every corporation. Some company asks their employee not to disclosure any company secrete, violator can cause them to loose their job. However, during the consolidation process, indifferences between employee’s cooperation, communication, comparison, the new and old combination, it really hard to determined whether they are able to comply with the new policy. Furthermore, you cannot use “ Benefit” to overcome each individual’s satisfaction. Whenever employee felt there is unfairness, then it could mean management problem. After Companies-A emerged, the position between Acquirer and Acquired companies should realize each individual’s responsibilities. To avoid employee un-stabilization and weariness, the Acquirer Company should make clear statement as how they intended to run both companies as one prime issue, then gradually announcing the consolidation process and direction. There are no time-restrained issues after the acquisition. The announcement to public show not includes benefit cut or layoff. The most important issue is how to stabilized the employee. During the consolidation, how to implement a standard agreement is quite critical. Besides increasing the public rating, a standard new policy a must. Constantly adjusting the benefit to achieved fairness. The functionality and workmanship can be achieved into leverage. Allowing employee to enroll into stock option is another way to achieve equal right opportunity. The acquisition process must be quick and to avoid employee’s weariness and rumors from media. Once the decision is made, internal announcement must taken place and preaching them the to support the decision. This way, the both side’s employee, managers, cultures and …etc. so they can gradually adopting the idea. Although, the acquisition is quite short, the Acquirer is very cautious and observing the employees reaction. The HR manager is staying on top of it. Until the benefits are being adjusted, they would not rate the successfulness until then. As for now, this is one of the key successes and has been very successfully.


Merger compensation


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