  • 學位論文


Order Release Methodology of Lithography in Semiconductor Industry

指導教授 : 范 書 愷 李 弘 暉


台灣之晶圓代工產業以其優異之良率、極具競爭優勢之低成本、穩定之製程能力、以及符合客戶需求之交期,在全球半導體業界扮演極重要之角色,然而產業之競爭日趨激烈,如何運用超高效率之製造管理技術保持競爭優勢,仍舊是產學界戮力研究之課題。 晶圓代工廠的機台購置成本十分昂貴,尤以黃光區為甚,黃光區的製造流程即成為整個晶圓製造過程的主要瓶頸所在.一般晶圓代工廠大多定義黃光區為整廠之派工中心;若在黃光區制定一套有效的派工法則,將有助於協調及均衡整條生產線之作業負荷.並可提昇晶圓製造之生產力和效率,降低線上在製品庫存及縮短生產週期。 本論文即針對黃光區之派工法則進行研究,根據黃光區中步進式對準機特殊的生產特性,也就是加工元件具有回流、且必須爭奪同一資源(回到同一機台之單機限制)等特性,探討投料及派工決策模式,以使各機台之負荷平均,不致造成在製品堆積或機台閒置。進而達到提高及機台利用率與總產出的目標。 本論文運用Little’s Law推導出在某種製程限制下之最低基本產能需求函數,進而藉由負荷導向理論決定投料,並將此生產模式運用於實際生產線,分析各種衡量指標(例如Utilization rate、X-ratio…等),最終證明此研究確實可達“提高機台利用率”及“縮短生產週期”之目標。


The key successful factors for wafer fabrication industry in Taiwan are the best yield, lowest cost with competitive ability, stable technology ability and competent delivery. It results in the wafer fabrication industry of Taiwan play an important role in the world. The competition of this industry is drastic more and more. How to manage with high efficiency for keeping our advantageous position is the topic for industry and academia. The machine cost of a wafer fabrication is the main cost. We always define stepper of lithography as a fabrication bottleneck or dispatching center because it has the highest cost. This research will focus on the development of order release and dispatching model to reduce production impact that comes from stepper grouping limitation. To balance machine loading is the key point that developed in this research respectively. To apply the model in a real fabrication, then tracing the indices. Finally, it shows the model developed in this study gives better performance than before in terms of stepper utilization and cycle time.


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