  • 學位論文


Fabrication of micro- and nanostructured Zirconia ceramic inorganic membrane for ultrafiltration Application

指導教授 : 張幼珍


本研究的主要目是將二氧化鋯粉末經過一連串的加工處理以製備無機超過濾薄膜、並進行過濾實驗觀察其結果。實驗中將製備二氧化鋯過濾薄膜過程中的變數和製備二氧化鋯濾膜進行過濾實驗的結果差異,變數包括商購二氧化鋯粉體球磨時間、粉體壓片成形後燒結的時間和燒結溫度、過濾時過濾的背壓氣體壓力大小以及過濾時間等結果做比較。 實驗的結果發現,當改變燒結的時間時,二氧化鋯濾膜在過濾後濾液內微粒的尺寸並沒有明顯的變化,但過濾濾液的通量隨時間減少而增加,但當燒結時間過短時,二氧化鋯濾膜機械強度太過微弱而無法使用。球磨二氧化鋯時間對其所製備的濾膜有很大的影響,當球磨時間在一定範圍內增加時,其濾膜的過濾分離濾液內的尺寸可以加以縮小甚至達到3nm,但當超過一定時間時,所製備的二氧化鋯濾膜燒結後會出現裂痕無法使用。濾液內微粒的粒徑利用粒徑分析儀(N4-plus)分析以及穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)輔助觀察,球磨後的二氧化鋯和燒結過後的濾膜情形藉由掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(SEM)來觀察表面結構,並且利用光度比色計對實驗結果進行定量分析。


陶瓷 無機薄膜 超過濾


This study aims to the preparation of inorganic membrane applied in ultra-filtration, and filtration experiments are examined as test procedure. Different membranes are prepared by different ball mill time, forming of powder pressure, sinter time, sinter temperature, gas pressure, and filtration time. It shows that different sintering time of membrane does not result in filtrated powder size change but the membrane flux is increased by the time. The strength of machine is too fragile to be used if sintering time is limited. The time of ball mill of zirconia affects on membrane. The time of ball mill increasing in the certain range results in smaller filtrated powder size about 3nm, however, longer time of ball mill results in a crack in membrane. Filtrated powder size is examined by N4-plus and TEM, and zirconia after ball mill and sinter are compared by SEM examination. In addition, visible absorption spectroscopy proceeds quantitatively analysis.


ceramic inorganic membrane ultrafiltration


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