  • 學位論文


The study on parliament liaison mechanism in the e-century

指導教授 : 李弘暉 博士


本研究首要動機冀望能以內政部國會聯絡機制及其重大法案為研究範圍,釐清國會聯絡機制之功能角色。再者提供內政部國會聯絡組於這二年來所作之e化變革,進行實務研究,供行政部門參考。 本研究從政治法律途徑中,發見影響行政立法關係之體制上與非體制上因素;由組織變革途徑,歸納內政部國會組之組織變革策略,提升國會聯絡功能;由領導途徑,研擬內政部國會組之領導策略,提升國會聯絡功能;從法案協商互動,建立法案協商互動策略模式。 本研究最後提出七項研究發現 一、各委員會召集委員及各黨團三長具關鍵性,影響法案及預算之付委門檻,應儘早尋求其對法案之了解與支持。 二、在有限資源下發揮最大效果,對委員會及委員進行業務分工,內部單位進行橫向縱向聯繫,充分發揮團體戰鬥力。 三、e化革新,資訊化有效管制委員關切案件,目標管理法案之進度管控,有利於國會聯絡工作效率。 四、e化掌握立法院及輿論最新資訊,同步製作Q&A提供首長參考,使政策貼近民意,利於法案及預算之朝野協商。 五、民主式領導,鼓勵激發成員工作潛力,利用授權、賦權,使國會組之組織文化更趨人性化、機動性。 六、兩院互動可歸納出立場迥異、相互妥協、立場相同等三種情況,正可反映出法案通過之機率。 七、立法順暢與否,端視政治性、壓力團體、朝野共識、審查時間等四項因素交互影響所致。 本研究從政策面及執行面提出七項具體建議 一、政策面之建議 (一)部會應將國會聯絡溝通視為施政之重要環節。 (二)法案溝通聯絡時能周延運用協商折衝之策略。 (三)由行政院建構各部會之國會聯絡網絡。 (四)各部會國會聯絡組織應建制化。 二、執行面之建議 (一)落實e化之內涵,足資推廣到各部會行政部門。 (二)國會聯絡人聯繫,首重「誠實」與「平等」原則。 (三)作好法案評估,預先因應法案之影響因素。


The study first of all attempts to define the functional role of the liaison mechanism of Parliament (or Legislative Yuan) by exploring the liaison mechanism of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs and important laws and acts. Secondly it is to empirically study the e-reforms executed during these two years by the team for parliament liaison, and its results will be provided to the administrative authorities as reference. The study discovers the institutional and non-institutional factors that influence the relationship between administrative and legislative authorities through the approaches of sciences of politics and law. Through the approach of organizational change, it formulates the organizational change strategies of the team for parliament liaison to strengthen the function of parliament liaison. Through the approach of leadership, it formulates the leadership strategies of the team for parliament liaison to strengthen the function of parliament liaison. Through examining the negotiation during the law making process, it establishes the strategic patterns for negotiation during the law making process. This study has seven findings: 1. Conveners of all committees and the three party cadres of all Legislative Yuan party caucuses (General Conveners, Secretary General and Chief Recorders) of critical importance. These persons can influence whether committals can pass the threshold. Their understanding of and support for acts should be obtained as soon as possible. 2. To achieve the maximum effects with limited resources, there should be division of labor regarding committees and members of committees/legislators as well as vertical liaison within internal departments, so as to bring the capacity of the team into full play. 3. E-reforms, effectively management of cases concerned by legislators through utilizing information technologies (IT), and progress control of targeted bills, are helpful in raising the efficiency of parliament liaison. 4. In order to make policies closer to the public opinions so as to facilitate the negotiation of acts and budgets between the ruling party and the opposition, it is necessary to grasp the most updated information in the Legislative Yuan and public opinions through the use of IT, as well as producing Q&A’s for the reference of senior officers. 5. Stimulate the potential of team members through democratic leadership and make the organizational culture of the team for parliament liaison more humane and mobile through authorization and empowerment. 6. The interaction between the administrative and legislative bodies can be categorized to three patterns — opposite stances, mutual compromise, and common positions, which reflects the probability of the passage of bills. 7. Whether a bill can be passed successfully depends on the interaction of four factors: political concerns, pressure groups, consensus between the ruling party and the opposition. Seven suggestions are presented from the aspects of policy making and execution: 1. The aspect of policy making: a. The administration should regards parliament liaison as an important link in enforcing policies. b. Strategies of negotiation should be carefully used in the communication regarding acts/bills. c. The Administrative Yuan should structure a parliament liaison network. d. The parliament liaison organizations in various ministries should be institutionalized. 2. The aspect of execution: a. To make the content of e-reforms solid enough to be promoted to various ministries and administrative departments. b. Principles of “honesty” and “fairness” are most valued in persons responsible for parliament liaison. c. Evaluate bills carefully and prepare for the influential factors in advance.


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