  • 學位論文


Apply Cycle Time Reduction Schemes to Transformer Process

指導教授 : 張百棧 博士


現今市場的需求變化迅速、全球性競爭劇烈,企業則為了尋求生存的利基,需有能力迅速的回應消費者快速且多變的需求。然而,在此競爭激烈的產品市場下,如何能使自己的產品擁有最好的優勢,是每一家公司所致力的方向。一般工廠所追求的生產目標不外乎是高產出率、生產週期時間的縮短、高良率及準時交貨等,而上述目標均與生產週期時間有相當密切的關係,故生產週期時間的掌控在工廠內佔有舉足輕重的關鍵地位。 本研究乃以個案探討的方式進行,針對大型變壓器(Transformer)的製程作一探討,在取得資料後,利用在先矩陣建立各工作項之在先關係,接著繪製網圖,分析流程的路徑,利用要徑法(Critical Path Method)來找出製造流程的要徑,並針對要徑上的瓶頸工作站及重要工作項作簡化、重排、合併及刪除之工作改善分析,且利用展開樹求得最終的總時間以作比較,而最後的改善成果為縮減了17%的生產週期時間。


Nowadays, quick response is a very important key for companies to reply to their customers. The best superiority on the market is the goal of companies. Industry puts emphasis on the points of high throughput, reduction of cycle time, high yield and on-time delivery. However, these emphases are highly correlated with cycle time. This research consists of a case study on the process of manufacturing large scale of transformers. The processing time of the large scale of transformer is very time-consuming. In this research, the critical path is identified by the critical path method first. After identifing the critical path, bottleneck workstation is found and analyzed. Several process-improving schemes, including simplification, rearrangement, combination and deletion are involved. Deletion obtains the best performance which achieves 8% improvement in the argument of processing time. In the last step, all feasible paths on the critical path are expanded using a branching tree scheme. And the outcome reveals that 17% of processing time is saved in the case studied. Keywords: cycle time , CPM , process improvement


cycle time CPM process improvement


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