  • 學位論文


A research of e-learning content provider''s risk analysis and corresponding strategies

指導教授 : 梁朝雲教授 張文山教授


線上學習的內容業者所提供之教材內容,相較於工具或服務業者,直接影響了使用者滿意度與市場規模,也是未來線上學習產業是否能繼續發展下去的主要關鍵之一。目前線上學習處於產業發展初期,對內容提供業者而言,除了對環境不確定所形成的風險外,也因為需投入大量資源於教材開發而加重風險的損失與發生機率。因此本研究以線上學習內容提供業者為對象,主要探討的是:(一)業者資源狀態與風險之關聯性、(二)業者在需求、供應、競爭、技術的環境不確定與因應策略。研究方法是先以相關產業研究報告、期刊、書籍、業者網站等文獻歸納出業者對環境不確定因素,並針對業者的中高階主管與相關專家學者作深度訪談。最後彙整現階段業者所面臨的風險與因應策略、專家學者的看法與建議,並將業者與專家學者的訪談資料作交叉討論。本研究之重要發現與結論如下: (一)容業者應儘可能是知識擁有者,否則需建立良好的互惠機制。將專業知識轉化成教材的教育科技專家為關鍵資源。內容業者在教材製作階段可與技術業者合作,本身則擁有專責顧問,協助與技術業者作溝通。(二)在需求環境中多數業者主要面臨到學習習慣、設備、智慧財產權等不確定。在供應環境中少數業者遭遇供應者結束營運,有些則無法掌握內容專家所提供的內容品質。在競爭環境中現階段業者的競爭者較少。在技術環境中多數業者提到開發技術不確定是相當困擾的狀況。業者大多選擇藉由組織調適作為因應策略。根據以上研究發現與結論作為後續研究之參考。


The teaching material for an e-learning content provider is more important than a platform or a service provider. The content has a great influence on users’ satisfaction and market share directly, and could be the key factor of developing e-learning industry. The risks for an e-learning content provider are two-folds: the environment uncertainty, and the high cost of developing teaching materials. This study will focus on: (1) the relationship between the resources and risks; (2) the environment uncertainty of requirement, supply, competition, technology, as well as the content provider’s corresponding strategy. The research was conducted through the methods of secondary data analysis, followed by in-depth interviews with senior managers active in the e-leaning industry. The major findings are listed below: (1) A content provider should also be a knowledge owner, or should have a constructive relationship with the knowledge owner. The expert on educational technology who can convert professional knowledge into teaching material is the key resource. A content provider should cooperate with technique provider in the production stage, and holds the special consultants who assist the content provider in communicating with technique providers. (2) In requirement environment, most of content providers face uncertainties of learners’ habits, equipment, and intellectual property. In supply environment, a few content providers encountered the termination of supplier business, while some were unable to control quality of content from expert. In competition environment, present content providers have few competitors. In technology environment, uncertainty of development techniques confused most of content providers. Moreover, most of them choose organization adaptation as corresponding strategies.


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