  • 學位論文


A research of relationship between online bidder’s involvement and loyalty

指導教授 : 王小惠


本研究為深入探討競標者對於拍賣網站的忠誠度,決定以涉入感做為研究競標者個人心理狀態的架構。研究問題為了解線上競標者的涉入感是否與網站忠誠度相關,希望藉由探討不同涉入程度的競標者使用拍賣網站的相關行為來檢視涉入感是否影響競標者對網站的忠誠度。研究以問卷調查方式進行,利用Zaichkowsky的個人涉入量表(Personal Involvement Inventory, PII)衡量線上競標者的涉入感,希望藉由了解該族群的心理涉入程度而分析該族群對拍賣網站是否具有忠誠度。 研究結果發現,個人持久性涉入感會影響競標者對拍賣網站的忠誠度,當競標者的個人持久性涉入感愈高,行為表現上愈顯示對拍賣網站具有忠誠度。在情境涉入感的部份,情境涉入感影響競標者對拍賣網站忠誠度的關係並不明顯,情境涉入感可經由因素分析萃取出網站內容、網站功能與網站資訊三項因素,其中只有網站功能會直接影響競標者對拍賣網站的忠誠度。此外,研究亦發現個人持久性涉入感與情境涉入感是共同、各別的影響競標者的忠誠度行為。最後,研究結果指出,當競標者於涉入感的程度上有高低的不同時,對於拍賣網站的忠誠度行為亦將有所不同。在重覆瀏覽網站的頻率部份,持久性涉入感高者不論其本身的情境涉入感是否較低,重覆瀏覽拍賣網站的頻率都較高。主動出價競標的頻率方面,持久性涉入感同樣是影響競標者對拍賣網站是否具有忠誠度的主要因素,但由各別的組別分析可以得知不同型式的涉入感與不同涉入程度的族群於網站忠誠度的相當行為上有明顯差異,因此研究建議業者可藉由不同程度的涉入感加以區分不同的消費族群,以進行各別的行銷方案,促進電子商務的發展。


The research is investigating the relationship between involvement of and loyalty of bidder on the Internet.The core question is to confer the behavior of bidders on the Internet that thay have different level of involvement about online auction. The study based on the Personal involvement inventory, produced by Zaichkowsky in Simon Fraser University British Columbia. The research discovers bidder on the Internet who have high personal enduring involvement, they probably have the loyalty of the online auction site. And while bidder had high situational involvement, they are not sure to have loyalty.Because there are three main factors in the situational involvement, including of content of auction site, function of auction site, information of auction site.And the function of auction site is only one factor to effect the bidder who have loyalty of online auction site. The result of the research is also to find that personal enduring involvement and situational involvement together effect bidders who have loyalty of the online auction site.Finally, the result exhibits bidders who have different level of personal enduring involvement and situational involvement, they have different level of loalty of online auction site.For these reasons, research find that personal enduring involvement is the most important index to explain consumer have loyalty to online auction.And the manager of online auction site can drive different marketing program in accordance with different level of involvement to increase loaylty of bidders on the Internet.


Online auction Involvement On-line loyalty


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