  • 學位論文


Investigation of the Operation of Foreign Eateries by New Immigrants in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 陳燕禎


這幾年來桃園地區火車站附近,異國小吃店林立,形成一片別具特色的南洋風情,尤其每逢假日的時候,往來人潮洶湧,這些區域幾乎成為假日外勞的集中地,讓火車站附近興起一片新的商機,也造成我們對於異國小吃的好奇與探索。故本研究目的主要在探討東南亞新移民經營異國小吃的動機,以及經營者的人格特質與經營小吃的關係,並進一步分析不同國籍間異國小吃店的資源依賴。本研究採質化研究的深度訪談法,依目前桃園、中壢附近的異國小吃店進行深度訪談,共訪談14家,包括印尼、泰國、越南等小吃店。 本研究結果為:不同國籍的異國小吃的經營者在開店動機層次上有所差別,泰國籍以「底層」生理、安全需求為主;印尼、越南籍以「高層」自尊、自我實現需求為主。經營者人格特質方面發現,泰國籍經營者活潑積極、創新冒險以及具有較高親和力;印尼籍經營人格特質勤勉、正直、保守的成分居多;越南籍經營者人格特質活潑積極、獨立、主控性高。至於在經營資源依賴方面,內部資源的財務自主以越南店最高、印尼店次之、最後是泰國店。外部資源的依賴方面發現,店與店之間的水平互動以及與上游貿易商的依賴關係,皆以印尼店最佳、泰國店次之、最後才是越南店。本研究亦提出具體建議:1.首次開店者以住宅簡易改裝成店面,負擔少且獲利高;2.轉型經營者,可異業結盟(如網咖業者)創造新契機;3.建議成立異國商會組織(協會),以減少上游貿易商的壟斷等。最後,由於本研究是區域性研究,在學術引用時必須留意。


Over the past few years, many foreign eateries have been set up near Taoyuan Train Station, forming a special southeastern Asian scene. Especially when holidays come, this area has inevitably become a gathering place for foreign laborers. This change has brought much development to the area surrounding the train station and aroused our curiosity to want to explore the foreign eateries, the personality/traits of the owners and how this factor affects the eateries. Furthermore, we would like to analyze the dependence levels of different nationalities of eateries on resources available. This research adopts the format of in-depth interviews as part of the qualitative stud. We have interviewed a total of 14 foreign eateries in Taoyuan and Chungli, covering eateries of Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese nature. The results of this study revealed that different nationalities of foreign eateries have different motives in opening up their eateries. Take Thai eateries for example. The eateries are established to meet the “bottom” demands of physical and security needs. Indonesian and Vietnamese eateries focus on “top” demands of fulfilling the needs of self-pride and self-realization. In terms of the personalities and traits of the owners, the study found out that Thai owners are more out-going, active, adventurous, innovative and friendly. Indonesian owners are diligent, just and conservative. Vietnamese owners are active, out-going, independent and controlling. In terms of their dependence levels on resources, Vietnamese eateries have the highest level of financial independence of its internal resources, followed by Indonesian and Thai eateries. As to the dependence level on the external resources, the horizontal interaction between eateries and the dependence level of up-stream traders, the ranking shows Indonesian eateries as number one, followed by Thai eateries and Vietnamese eateries. This study has suggested: 1) For the first-time eatery owners, it is less burdening and more profitable if they change their residences into eateries, 2) If some eateries want to change their operation styles, they can form a strategic alliance (for example, with cyber cafés) to create new opportunities, 3) The foreign eateries can form a foreign union (or association) to reduce the monopoly from the up-stream traders. Finally, this research is limited by its regional nature; therefore, other academic quotation of this case should be aware of this characteristic.


陳燕禎(2005)。〈社會資源VS國家權力:台北人濟院的歷史研究〉,《社會政策與社會工作學刊》,第9卷 第2期,頁95-138。
