  • 學位論文

公立高職總務業務委外之研究 —以中壢高商為例

The Outsourcing of General Affairs in Public Vocational High Schools—A Case Study on the National Chungli Vocational High School of Commerce

指導教授 : 謝登旺 徐學忍


摘 要 近年來政府積極推動政府組織再造政策,推展小而美的政府效能,以期在有限的人力、經費上,使行政效能得有效提升。然而,國立高職在教育政策異動以致政府教育補助經費緊縮下,各校必須自籌財源已補足經費之短缺,再加上每年必須負擔大量人事成本,基於開源與節流原則,為有效運用人力資源及控制經費,因此高職逐漸將總務單位負責之業務以委外承辦方式,降低人事費用之支出,也就是當學校發現其無法運用內部資源或能力完成所有人力資源活動時,外包不失為一項因應的策略,意即人力資源部門可透過外包來減少成本與負擔,並且將焦點放在核心功能上。 因應校務運作方式的轉型及校園規劃理念的更新,總務業務也必需考量符合需求且合理的委外模式與執行方式,因此國立高職總務業務委外已逐漸成為一種必然之現象與趨勢。而高職總務業務社會化過程中,從事校園規劃工作同時,必須考量如何將校園內部空間、用地、建築、設備、設施等有形資產,甚至人力資源管理、校園安全防護管理等無形管理,能適當且妥善進行分類、分期、分區,著手校園總體規劃方案與落實執行辦法,以利銜接委任給民間專業物業管理執行,達到更經濟、減省管理人力,進而提昇業務服務及執行效能,促使學校更有效利用有限經費致力於教學研究發展。 本文研究目的包括有:1.如何因應公立高職規劃業務委外之注意事項2.分析業務委外對於公立高職的實益3.探討影響業務委外成功關鍵因素為何4.了解公立高職已辦理業務委外及效益5.運用公立高職業務委外招標機制6.執行公立高職應如何妥善運用業務委外策略,以節省經費並提升服務品質。本研究目的係以公立高職總務處業務委外工作為討論核心,並試圖解決以上問題。


ABSTRACT The government has been implementing the policy of reorganization with an eye to promoting the efficiency on manpower, budget and performance of the government. However, under the circumstance of the decreasing educational budget which has resulted from the policy shift, Taiwan’s national vocational high schools must self-raise a certain portion of the budget. Furthermore, in order to effectively utilize the manpower and control the personnel cost, the schools have gradually lowered the expenditures by transferring the general affairs to contractors. When the schools find the inner resources unable to accomplish all the human resource activities, they can react by resorting to the strategy of outsourcing. The manpower section can decrease cost burden and focus on its nuclear functions. To cope with the transformation of school administration and the renovation of campus planning models, the general affairs department must evaluate the suitable and reasonable outsourcing models and execution methods. Thus, outsourcing of the general affairs of national vocational schools has been an indispensable phenomenon and trend. In the process of engaging in campus planning, the tangible assets such as campus space, land, buildings, equipment, facilities, and the intangible management such as human resource management, campus security must be properly categorized , according to related time tables, to map out an overall scheme and an execution method. Then the transfer to outsourcing contractors can be smoother and the manpower management, service and performances will be more efficient. Thus the schools can make the utmost use of the limited budget and endeavor to development of teaching and research. The research purposes of this study include: 1. guidelines of planning the outsourcing; 2. to analyze the benefits of outsourcing in public vocational schools; 3. to discuss the key factors to the successful outsourcing; 4. to understand the execution and benefits of the outsourcing in the schools having implemented this policy; 5. to perform the bidding mechanism in public vocational schools; 6. how to utilize the strategy of outsourcing in public vocational schools, and promote the service quality. This study aims to focus on the outsourcing in public vocational schools and tries to answer the above questions.


1.Borg,W.R.,&Gall,M.D.(1983)”Education Research: An Introduction
Privatization and Empowerment.Princeton,New
