  • 學位論文

流行品牌之市場及產品線的延伸- 以M品牌在亞洲市場為例

Strategic Analysis of Fashion Brand Market and Product Line Expansion: A Case Study of M Brand in Fareast Market

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


本研究主要在探討歐洲流行品牌在拓展亞洲區市場,以及拓展新產品線時所面臨的問題,藉由對個案公司內部人員的訪談、資料蒐集,利用SWOT分析等相關文獻理論,來對論文內容進行分析與研究。 經過仔細研究許多相關資料後,獲得以下之結論: 一、 形象、文化、設計風格是品牌的精神,也是最具價值的東西,必須小心維護。 二、 打折、價格戰的促銷方式不適用於高價流行品牌。 三、 品牌不能為了拓展市場而隨意的授權,必須審慎評估。不當的授權不但不會對業績有幫助,且長久下來對品牌的商譽,以及形象的損毀將是無法估計的。 四、 品牌在開拓新市場時,必須注意到因為目標市場之國情、消費習慣、天候等因素來對產品、產品線做必要的調整,惟有提供真正符合消費者需要的產品才能贏得市場。 五、 國際品牌在拓展新地產品線時,如果不是屬於地區性的產品線,就必須顧慮到整個市場的需求,以免過度的本地化而失去其他的市場。 本研究結果希望能提供國際流行品牌在進入亞洲市場時的參考依據,使其他品牌在面對類似的挑戰時,能夠在很快的內找到問題點,確認自己的品牌定位,降低風險機率。


The major motivation of this thesis is to analyze and find out what the key obstruction is when European fashion brand plans to enter the Asia market by case studies. We first discuss the market differentiation between European and Asia, since there are huge culture gap and big difference in consumer behavior. We then analyze problems being faced by Brand M especially in brand and product line expansion. We conclude that to have successful marketing strategies, Brand M will need to know to how to choose the right market and to discover what the real market needs rather than just to press the production cost and fall into the price war. We also suggest that Brand M should do her best to minimize all possible risk and protect the brand image more carefully; in addition, Brand M should be more circumspect when she chooses the distributor and authorizes the license for local production.


2. Aaker, David A. (1996), “Building Strong Brands”, New York: The free press.
4. Aaker, David A. and J. Keller (1993), “Consumer Evaluations of Brand Expansion, Journal of Marketing, 57 (1), January, pp.27-41.
5. Aaker, David A. and Kevin Lane Keller (1990), “Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extension,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.54 (January), pp.27-41.
6. Ansoff, (1957), “Strategies for Diversification”, Harvard Business Review, pp114.
7. Belk, Russell W. (1998), Possessions and the Extended Self, Journal of Consumer Research, 15, September, pp.139-168.
