  • 學位論文


The Research of Food Chain Enterprise’s Model

指導教授 : 李弘暉


全球市場的劇烈競爭下,餐飲服務產業成為目前許多人投身創業的首選,尤其是當連鎖加盟制度引進台灣之後,便造成連鎖加盟體系在台灣造成旋風。從早期的湯包、羊肉爐,到蛋塔、泡沫紅茶,再到最近的咖啡、拉麵,就如同狂風般,橫掃過台灣的每一個角落,也實現了許多人的創業美夢。而創立連鎖餐飲事業也成為當今餐飲業的最終目標,然而卻不是每一個都能順利走向連鎖體系,許多從原本獲利的單點經營走向多點經營卻因經營理念或管理知識不足而結束。因此,本研究之目的為探討連鎖餐飲創業初期的實務狀況,主要是受到創業者本身的個人特質、動機及經營理念等因素影響進行探討,已建構連鎖餐飲事業之創業模式,提供往後餐飲從業人員發展連鎖體系之参考。 本研究採質性研究之個案研究方法及資料分析法進行,以便利性及機會性之隨機採樣選擇研究對象原則,針對國內中小型連鎖餐飲業共計三家公司之創業者深入訪談,並將搜集之資料以質性資料歸納分析予以分析歸納。 本研究重點結論為:連鎖餐飲事業主要受到創業者的個人特質、創業管理與經營模式三方面的影響,而將會發展出不同的連鎖經營體系:直營連鎖、自願加盟連鎖、合作加盟連鎖、特許加盟連鎖及委託加盟連鎖,而創業者在創業過程中多會因個人特質而影響創業中的機會、資源及團隊的掌握。最後本研究提出連鎖餐飲創業之創業者所具備及加強之相關要素,進而構成連鎖餐飲創業之模式。


In the competition of global business, the food business will be the first among all enterprisers. When the chain-store system has brought into Taiwan, the franchise organization is getting bigger. At early food chain business, enterprisers opened business such as soup bun shops, lamb hot pot restaurants to egg cake shops and boba milk tea houses. Recently, restaurants style changed such as coffee shops or Japanese style’s noodle restaurants, etc. Some people use this system to make a fortune and open a food franchise business will be the ultimate goal in the food business. However, many people fail from single shop turn into chain store business due to the owners have different point of view of business operation or lack of knowledge to manage a restaurant. The goal of this research is to discuss the influence toward the initiate process of the enterprises in order to develop the entrepreneurial whether mainly determined by the enterprisers’ many factors such as unique personality, motivation, and operational model; it will provide the reference information for the enterpriser who wants to develop the chain store business. The research used its convenience and opportunity and dividend by case and information analysis. The object of this research is picked uncountable numbers and it’s done the depth interview with three enterprisers of domestic small and medium enterprises. The gathering information will systematically put for information analysis. The conclusion of this research is the chain store business will be influenced with the enterprisers’ unique personality, motivation, and operational model to develop the difference chain store systems, such as direct chain, joined the voluntary chain, cooperation Join Us. Because of the unique personality, the enterprisers will influence the opportunity, sources, and team control in the entrepreneurial process. Finally, the research has addressed the chain store business and enhances essential factors in order to compose of the chain store enterprise model.


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